Slow games

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Cotillion, Sep 14, 2010.

Slow games

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Cotillion, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Cotillion

    Cotillion New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Hi I have been playing starcraft 2 since release and have had no problems until the last few days. My issue is when i get in any game rather 3v3 or 1v1 multiplayer, or just 1v1 against the computer or 8 player ai opponent free for all, the game will start to get really slow a few minutes into the game and say you are slowing down the game please adjust your graphic settings. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what may be the cause of this and how to fix it?
  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    Do you have these issues during the campaign as well? Please post a dxdiag so I can check your system configuration.

    To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here.
  3. Cotillion

    Cotillion New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Ok here it is. I posted some of the specs earlier because I couldn't figure out how to attach the zip file. As for the campaign Ive had no problems there. Also I had the same problem when trying to play another game today(league of legends). I also take back what I said about it happening over the last few days as it only started yesterday night, over the past couple of games.

    Attached Files:

  4. Cotillion

    Cotillion New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Ok so the game is still lagging in games and slowing down in the other games i use as well(dragon age,world of warcraft league of legends) all seem fine when i first start playing them but then after at least a couple of minutes it starts lagging and going slow. Ive also noticed in my windows task manager that the physical memory usage shoots up from about 800 MB to 1.70-1.80 GB being used when running Starcraft 2. Anybody want to help with this issue or give their thoughts because this is driving me up the wall.
  5. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Basically, from what I can tell is that you need more RAM.

    2gb is about the bare minimum to run Vista comfortably, which is what you've got. Anything more than the basic OS and it starts bogging. Page file alleviates this to an extent, but not really enough for actual gaming.

    EDIT: I looked at your other specs, all fairly nice end. Your system only came with 2 gigs of RAM?
  6. Cotillion

    Cotillion New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    What I dont get if its a RAM issue why would it just start causing problems like this? Like I said I haven't really ever had these problems until just recently.
  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Well that's why I was asking how much RAM you bought with it. It's showing 2030mb in your DxDiag. If you bought the system with 3-4 gigs of RAM, you've had a stick either get misplaced or burned out. If it's burned out, that means a surge cooked your system a bit and possibly damaged other components.
  8. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    Sorry for the long wait. Had some family trouble I had to attend to.

    Eww, another Gateway.. last two posted here weren't pretty.
    This appears to be Gateway GM5478 desktop computer.

    This motherboard has a built in Intel graphics chip. First try entering your BIOS on boot, and making sure your "Primary Graphics Setting" is set to "PCIe" (PCI Express). Even though the Intel GFX card probably disables automatically, some people still experience instability issues when this isn't set correctly.

    Your motherboard has has several BIOS updates, the newest one is here.

    Try load up the Intel Driver Update Utility and see what Intel hardware on your machine needs new drivers.

    Where you using older nVidia drivers for the StarCraft 2 beta? You may need to download as some cards like the 9400 have had issues with newer nVidia drivers. You could also see if PhysX is enabled in the nVidia control panel (advanced view) and disable it, as that has caused issues for people.

    DXDiag crashed while trying to run the DirectInput test! Have you replaced or added any USB devices since playing StarCraft 2 beta?

    Newest drivers for your TV Tuner card, currently they shown as not being installed at all. o_O;

    Could always try opening the machine and seeing if any access dust has built up.
  9. Cotillion

    Cotillion New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Ok so I popped open the case and saw there was dust all over the graphics card. I dont have anything to fix that right now except for blowing a fan on the computer and when I did that it pretty much solved the issue. The game would stutter slightly and try to go down below 20 but the game would pretty much run without any real lag throughout the whole time I was blowing the fan on the computer. Now I guess ill just have to wait until i get something or sombody to clean the inside.
  10. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Stop at your local Walmart or Radio Shake (if your state side) and pickup some canned air. Shut down the machine and unplug it, take the case to a place where you don't mind getting things dusty (My personal favorite is a front porch/patio) and blow all the dust out of the card and all the other electric components (power supplies can get rather clogged).

    Don't inhale the canned error... or you'll get high :p That's why places like Walmart will card you for the air for this reason :p.