Why is my laptop Quad Core i7 2.0 GHZ, 8 gigs of ram, and an Nvidia 260m GTX video card lagging in Starcraft 2, and all the in game settings are already on ALL LOW?
i have good laptop too and my sc2 lags sometimes on low setting. i just rkn laptops are not good for games...that is all.
Yes, AC Adapter, it's not running off battery. And yes, the drivers are up to date. I have another laptop with half the ram and a dual processor not quad, that runs it better than the other. Doesn't make any sense.
Read my FAQ and post a full DXdiag dump using the information in the FAQ. Once we know your system, we can start troubleshooting.
Try installing Speedfan and see if your laptop (GPU especially) is running too hot. Your motherboard has a built in thermometer. 75+ degrees C for your graphics card is too hot. Your system sounds fairly new, so it seems like you aren't at the biggest risk for cooling problems. But it's definitely worth a try. Core 2 Duo is last generation high end. Core i7 is vastly better. However, SC2 only utilizes 2 cores, so a dual core i7 clocked high would be better than four cores working at a lower clock speed but yeah, a Core i5 or i7 is going to way outshine a C2D in all cases. That gets me thinking... Is the clock speed of the dual core systems (that ones you play on that run the game better) higher, per core? If the game is only utilizing two cores, a dual core i7 clocked to 3.4Ghz is going to be much better than twice the cores functioning at half the speed. SC2 is very CPU intensive and not as hard on your video card