Blizzard has announced intentions to release Patch 1.1 for StarCraft 2 in the coming week. Unofficially we're expecting the release to be around September 1st. Among the redacted list of changes are: Reaper build time increase from 40 to 45 seconds Bunker build time increase from 30 to 35 seconds Siege Tank damage in Siege mode reduced to 35 (+15 vs. Armored; upgrade +3, ++2 vs Armored) Battlecruisers ATG damage decreased from 10 to 8 Ultralisk damage reduced to 15 (+20 vs. Armored) Zealot build time increased from 33 to 38 seconds Warp Gate cooldown time increased from 23 to 28 seconds To be honest our concerns with these changes lie mostly in the fact that it's a bit late to be messing with unit and build timings. Players are already adapting to these and messing with the time rather than the cost and damage numbers is unnecessarily chaotic. Stay away from changing the build times, and focus more on nerfing damage itself. Secondarily you won't be reducing the number of units on the field which leads to more interesting games. Conversely, we do feel that the Warp Gate cooldown is a good move. It is far too easy for Protoss to replenish their forces instantly when nearing the food cap in late game. Read the full Situation Report Source:
lol, 5 seconds for the zealot, dam was he really that powerful ?!? Dam no more proxy It ain't going to be easy to be cheesy no mo. They are right about the mineral dumping though
The nerf to protoss cheese and their ability to dump minerals fast through warp gates is nice, especially since I agree that proxy gateways hurt zerg a lot. The nerf to reapers and bunkers is good, bunkers because of the bad situation for zerg and the reapers because... well cmon lol The tank nerf makes sense, since it is designed to kill stuff like stalkers (armoured), hydralisks (low health), big units like thors and really small bunched up units like zerglings and marines that have so little health it doesnt matter too much. Battlecruiser nerf--- idk, idc to be honest Ultralisk nerf-- not so sure, but to be fair i have not seen enough of them to really judge all in all, this aught to end QQ and make zerg happy, but i can see protoss players feel somewhat shafted because the majority of toss players i have played against focus on warpgate units and really did tend to dump minerals in them instead of really macroing as much as terran or zerg so they may be pretty hesitant to change **sorry about the bad grammar/spelling, exhausting day today**
The tank nerf helps the immortals fairly decently i think cause these were the true counters to tanks in the first place. Just going to have to build more warp gates I guess
"The tank nerf helps the immortals fairly decently i think cause these were the true counters to tanks in the first place." Immortals can't ever take more than 10 damage though, so it doesn't matter whether or not tanks do 10 damage per shot or 10,000. Maybe they made splash smaller though? If they did then idk if that was a good idea (would have tried to change damage output and then see if further retooling was required)
I like the changes. Hopefully I'll see less terran players now. I think they may have went a little too far on the tank nerf, although they definitely needed one. Ironically, they also nerfed the main zerg counter to the terran ball, the ultras.
The zeal change scares me cause im not sure I can get a zeal before lings get to my base with a six pool
i think the siege tank nerf is a bit much. yes they are powerful, but thats because they have a slow attack rate and are stationary. i would be fine with 40. but the 35 atack power means zerglings can take out tanks with +1 carapace because they will be able to get very close to them and get out of their attack range. i dont like it. everything else was justified. except id like to see some changes to roaches. wayyy to strong for a tier 1.5 unit
wow everyone yelling about a terran nerf got their wish! reapers, siege tanks, battle cruisers, bunkers, all reduced. i play terran and personally i think the nerfs are fine. the tank nerf will definitely hurt the most, but i have to admit they were a bit OP. i have to say i wouldnt have minded seeing some more nerfs for protoss, im not sure what exactly but i feel toss got off easy here.
surely, they could have buffed zerg a bit more...though thats probably not the only thing theyre buffing...
Damnit Wow, this is pretty rediculous. Is this gigantic protoss nerf mainly in response to poxy cheese? I never did that **** anyway, cause a good player will sniff it out before it's successful and it never works. This is incredibly irritating. So basicaly, I HAVE to build a forge before my gateway and get cannons up asap to stop the ling rush. Every damn zerg player I have ever gone against ling rushes. All of them. Every last one of them. The only way I've been able to stop a ling rush as a protoss player has been to scout it early, and respond with faster zealots (if im lucky and they're kinda slow) or cannons. Again, the only way to stop ling rushes now is going to be immediate forge and cannons. Which sucks. Static d is a crappy way to have to start a game. Every noob is going to be massing lings vs protoss now and the already annoying ling rush will be even more annoying. As far as toss dumping minerals into the warp gates, what's the problem? If it's late enough in the game and all you're doing is massing lots' against a decent player, you're going to lose. Period. So why nerf the regen time of it? All these nerfs to toss and no buffs at all? Colusus suck, incredibly. They are GIGANTIC targets that go down like paper. Immortals cost a fortune. I'd say if anything stalkers shoulda been nerfed. Too many people are massing them now, like idiots. Fast mutas is going to be even more annoying now. It'll be much much harder for me to pressure a zerg player to prevent the tech to mutas now, which ultimately is the only real counter as a protoss player to mutas. They so damn cheap, dont require an upgrade for the rediculous speed, and can be gotten to very quickly. Phoenixes as a counter to mutas is a joke. The terran nefs seems a bit extreme too, but I don't play terran so I'm not certain. Does blizz just care that much about douche bags like "rage master iDra" crying like babies in their matches. The funny thing is the guy complains about zerg vs terran imba, but he constantly beats terran. There's gonna be a crap ton more zerg players now ...
doubt it. these changes arent big enough to warrant terran and protoss players to change to zerg. im hoping ultras get a larger cleave radius too.
I don't Zealot rushes I imagine are far too effective in lower leagues to as when you see the gates you pretty much have to put a spine crawler down immediately if your going 14 pool. Massed zealot pushes are also tricky to counter early on as well. Colosii Destroy zerg ground armies so focus firing on them is essential, if they had any more health they would turn into a standard army unit as opposed to a support unit. I agree with immortals, havn't seen any used for about a week now. Stalkers shouldn't be nerfed, players mass them and then they die anyway. Well if you know they're going to be massing mutas phoenixs aren't that bad a counter as they are unlikely to have much AA so you can get in their base and take out all of their overlords and kill mutas as they come out. A few days ago i was amazed at how much fire from mutas is required to destroy them and how fast they destroy mutalisks. Stalkers + Phoenixs does quite well. Now that i'm experienced fighting terran i'm not so sure about the siege tank needing a major nerf since massed zerglings/banelings/mutas can run over most armies.
Thankfully in gold league., I doubt my opponents will get ground carapiece , Nerfs seem fair, although I thought we didn't see enough cruisers as it is. I actually can't decide if losing ram is a nerf.
In my opinion its a buff since against cannon walls or ramp blocks ultras will do a ton more damage, it's difficult to find a situation where a unit as large as an ultralisk focus firing on one building is better.
why nerf siege tanks? I don't see them used too often anyways. Most terran seem to either stick to bio, or mass air in the lower leagues.
I don't write a lot but I do come to this forum and read threads etc. And I'm most surprised that I haven't seen so many threads complaining about Terrans being that imba. And then they release a patch and wow, terrans get a huge nerf. This game was supposed to be very balanced and then this happens. ?
Just bumping this to say that blizz has a date and time of the patch