Another interview from press Tour. This time with Chris Sigaty:
Well it will be very hard to get SCII dota to a level even close to current warcraft dota. He mentioned that a lot has been added just for dota and maps like it but there is still going to be stuff missing. I doubt youll be able to eat trees for example. On the other hand DotA has one of the strongest modders behind it and the prestige gained from making sucessful version of SCII dota is definetly going to motivate a lot of good people so if its possible, it will be done.
Trust me, if icefrog wants too, he will make a new hero based item based map. Like an aos * it will be an aos 3 lane spawn kill the base* but he will add new twists possibly!
IceFrog will either continue DotA, or somehow select someone to continue it, but considering he is 25...and constantly finding time for constantly making new versions. if icefrog works on the sc2 dota, i expect one out in a few weeks.
Weeks!? I don't know about that, maybe a very early version But we can hope! I guess it depends on how much from the original DoTA concept would carry over into the sc2 environment. Still, it would be a lot of work to do that all over from scratch, then test it and get it working right, balanced, etc.
Not weeks, no way. Maybe a first version beta map 0.20. With maybe 10 basic heros. It will take a while though.
Well icefrog has a legion of testers...weeks is reasonable since u only need 10-12 heroes to start with
Good find indeed. This is why I come to these boards. Well..., honestly, and to be an asshole to people that can never track me down no matter how leet haxor they are. Personaly, I'm not massing Marines first thing I do if I'm fortunate enough to get in the beta like Sigaty suggests. I'm going Medivac rush first.
Actually is amongs the first ones to post SCII news, including this one (2 hours earlier than this post, its likely the OP got it from there too) so if you insist on immidiet notification I suggest you visit that site as well. edit: Talking of the devil, they updated the news post with another interview:
I don't know about you guys but I really hope the SC2 editor allows for WC3 units to be imported. I know this may be impossible if the unit set up is different (like the way armor and attacks are handled) but I can think of so many great ways to use the WC3 units in SC2 maps... If they can't be imported I guess I'll have to wait till a talented designer makes some WC3 sprites and skins for SC2 the same way those SC units were made for WC3...