I need a nifty sig for another site, and this forum's got the best collection of artists I've seen (Plus I know y'alls) It needs to be robotic-esque, but old fashioned (IE: Not all chromey). Sepia tone would be excellent, as well as black and white. It doesn't necessarily have to say anything, just look nifty. Example of coloring and content: Payment is minerals (Once we get 'em) and a rep.
i got a few random pics, wooo, i hope at least one of them works http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/try1.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/try2.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/try3.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/try4.jpg http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/try5.jpg
kudos to kurai for the image... here it is, attatched... i can do any minor changes you want, IE, removal of your name, changing of your name from background-coloring to foreground-coloring, etc.
hokai well then im gonna use the one i made in the first place for myself and then try to make one using image 2 for u XD
ok now these limits are just stupid... i mean look at that... that's horrible. anywho, ima have yours finished by today, which means it will probably be tomorrow, because i have made 0% of my personal-set deadlines.
sorrehs, didn't know you didn't want others using them... wait... are they your images or somebody elses images?