Short SC Fan Writting

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Chax424, Dec 3, 2007.

Short SC Fan Writting

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Chax424, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Chax424

    Chax424 New Member

    Oct 21, 2007
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    The other day, yesterday actually, I played a Terran vs Terran on this one Badlands map, and amongst the chaos of nukes, raids and wraiths, this little vignette popped into my head.

    PS: To make more use of the thread, if anyone else out there has short fan writing too, feel free to post it here.

    Tumult broke around Rudyard as the missile was spotted. Desert sand flew around him as fellow marines scattered, but Rudyard remained still. His armor was hot, his eyes watered, and his throat was parched, made dryer still by the stale air. He craned his neck skyward. Above him, clouds billowed, the colour of sand. Wraiths and Valkyries soared through the sky as AA fire pelted upwards towards them. Some avoided it, others burst into flame as the shrapnel pierced their hulls. Wind billowed around him, the result of near by explosions. If it weren’t for the massive metal armor encasing his body Rudyard would have been blown over. Instead he stood firm, gazing, with glazed eyes, at the chaos above him.
    The missile, which Rudyard now realized must be a nuke, grew steadily larger as is skyrocketed closer, bringing with it the promise of inevitable death. With a surprising indifference, Rudyard watched its graceful arc. Tracing its path with his eyes he found its target: the commanded center. Already war torn, it was the last marker of their resistant in the area. He watched it smoke, and watched SCVs franticly attempting to repair it. He felt a wave of apathetic despair wash over him, an emotion surprising difficult to describe, he thought. What now? This is the end of our colony, its lost. What’s the point? He pondered this though for a surprisingly long time as the noise of battle faded into the background. The thunderous roar of the tanks, hopeless bellows of the marines, and the heavy grunts of the goliaths’ massive guns all melted away. Once more he stared up, surveying the trail of smoke left by the warhead. He closed his visor. Then he watched it hit.