Im sorry if i was late for this idea but since i had no time i couldnt post it... Now this poll is based on if you like the shop now and its systems of how it works... Just take a vote and post some things you like about it and not like... I for one think it is better then the old shop because earning minerals were harder before... now we can get minerals faster and at a more sense-rate... plus the items have more in stock[right?]
yeah its pretty dam awesome. Jon is gna bring in the trade centre soon and all that profile changes and such.
Ok people as long as you continue to post here, you can vote anytime even when there is a new update to the shop!
go ahead.... brag about your sammich and mineral lol jk i got a pepsi tho, were just some of the few members with custom items...
Hamburgers! Im not braging about it... At least i have 2! some of the very few... wish tho kurai would give me back another hamburger execpt it is exactly desame pick as the one in the old shop[i have the pic.] look at some of the pics I have!
I voted "It's considerably impressive." It looks nice, and is easy to navigate. My only issues are the hiccups the system has at times, such as randomly telling me "You do not have enough points to perfom this action."
speaking of which, i have tomatoes... which reminds me.... hei moooods how come karlo has tomatoes while i don't? i made sure that when i sent the list to nikzad, that all my collectibles were included ursadon, teddy and a tomato