..cringe "....several secret Terran and Zerg units...." Its nice to hear that they have announced units that we prolly not will here about until we play the game. Please title according to the topic.
Re: This make me... I like that. The game wouldn't be fun if we knew everything before we even play it.
Re: This make me... The game isn't even in alpha yet, lol. Of course we'll find out what units they are before it's released. It just won't be NOW.
Re: This make me... I can imagine, they will hide some units.. Actually it would be fun to see something at first on my screen, and find out what it is good against. Now I already have a plan about each unit, how I will use them, but the surprise would bring more challange to the gameplay.
Re: This make me... It will be entirely Blizzards job, in the future, to determine imbalance, so we cant argue.
The phrase had the opposite effect on me. I love the idea that there is still a ton of stuff that we don't know yet. Think about it: the stuff we know about is awesome, yet, there is more of it. I just love the feeling those implications give me.