Starting Monday, I won't be able to stay in contact with you guys at all. But once summer break starts and I pass all my exams and don't have to go to summer school then I might be able to. But if one of these becomes a problem then I won't be able to use a computer all summer. Just giving you guys a heads up. The summer will be over so quick you won't even notice that I'm gone.
Yeah, I pass all my finals but not to sure about 2 of my classes. @Kira:...Yeah I guess we do know each other. Especially now that you posted in my thread. @Weeman:what you mean get smart, I gots plenty smarts, just too lazy. @lombar: wft, man you come and go. Just stay already. Your tearing me to pieces, I can't take it anymore. You come then you go. AHHHH
highschool is easy u know what i did before my history final toady (before rep nospam@suckhisowncock ipban me) i played games rofl =P
1 more spanish tomorrow Bio= 94 (highest grade i know of everyone else got 80s or failed) English=69.97 (over 60 questions were vocab that i didnt bother to study but i still passed with B History=91 (didnt study finished in 20 mins out of the 2 hours we got to take it) Geo= 50(still passed the class and ill be glad to never go back there again) Info Systems= 71 (second highest grade out of all his classes (it was b.s test)) Spanish= ???(prbly good cuz spanish is uber easy)