You guys are going to think this is so dumb, but if you send in two drones at the beginning of a match and attack the scv building the barracks most the time you'll take it out and then the scv they send to attack you. Attacking them like this slows their rax production. They can get out-micro'd pretty bad if the player sucks. It's nice on maps like xel naga, especially against guys expecting to cheese you early. Nice to give a terran early game crap for a change.
Yeah idd, you can do that, and it could even get you your drones mineral's worth if you manage to take out 2 scvs, but if any normal player sees 2 drones he'll just send in another 1-2 scvs and shut it down, though due to terran usually walling off against zerg, the travel distance could be quite too much to travel and grant you a fast kill... Or just send those 2 drones earlier and take out his supply-depot scv and delay him even more
I really would think the same too, but it's surprising to see where your opponents micro skills stand early in a game. I get to wager his skill a little bit in the process and maybe carry him off a ways from his standard process.
hence why you send 3 scvs to attack, that will stop it, complete your wall and nothing happened except for maybe 1 scv lost, but you have had 2 drones off of mining for a LONG time. no, i dont like this strategy, it is only helpful against people with horrible micro, and dont know what to do in that situation.
I'm not a huge fan of it either, but it never hurts to change things up- especially when playing a video game. Let's face it, the majority of us only risk losing our pride when playing this game.
Exactly, it doesn't hurt to give it a shot now and then, mostly for the fun of it. Against a big number of players it will work. The mining time lost is a big deal so early in the game, though, since those 2 drones will reduce your income by ~80 per minute which early on is a very big deal, but if you do manage to kill a couple of scvs and delay his rax by quite a bit, and probably have 3 or so scvs after your 2 drones, you can lead him to a similar disadvantage, if not a greater. Just have in mind that any good player will deal with it easily, and that you don't have to sacrifise those drones: if it's not working take them back to mine. It's suboptimal but it's deffinitely something you can try if only for the fun of it - it's a game after all, take a gamble, see how it works
i use to do that and works great in 1v1 games but when playing with more experienced players it doesn't work