Will we be able to make custom abilities and units? Cause I plan on making a war game with custom abilities such as cover, where being behind cover gives and evasion bonus, will I be able to get that? I also plan on making an RPG with 2-3 specializations with custom abilities and passives. Will I be able to do any of these or am I stuck with abilities that came with the game
Yes, you can do anything that was possible in wc3, all of that ability customisation was possible in wc3, and apparently its even easier in sc2's editor. I suggest you check out hiveworkshop for info and details on the insane things people have accomplished with wc3's editor, and then imagine it on sc2's scale .
Aye, thank god for an easier editor, wc3 world editer was insanely hard for inexperianced people. Thanks for the answer, I cant wait to play some of the war games/ rpg games that will be made sometime on SC2, they were bomb on wc3 and theyd be even better on sc2
Well, yeah i suppose wc3's editor is pretty daunting to inexperienced people, but you have gotta remember, that wc3's editor is perhaps the most tame editor you can get . Its very easy to use when compared to stuff like the crysis editor. Just takes some practice ;D. And of couse reading the tutorials people post up online to get kicked off. I cant wait to check out sc2's editor and its terraining capability, i loved landscaping and creating realistic terrain in wc3's editor, but keeping it perfectly playable too! And then ultimatly forming the maps into a campaign or rpg, thats probobly gonna be my goal for sc2.
The terraining in SC2 is probebly going to be pretty bomb, I also wonder if boats will be creatable in the map editor for epic naval warfare.
Probably boats will be able to be created, if water terrain exists. They said everything in wc3 and more, and we had boats in wc3 Welcome, feel free to introduce yourself in our "introduce yourself" board.
I heard that it was a gagillion times stronger then the Warcraft 3 one, but im just worried that it might not have model editing, boats or custom spells(in wc3 as far as i could tell all custom spells were bsaed off of ones already implemented, but i sucked with the spells bit of wc3 map making) thanks for the welcome ill head over there
It'll have everything pretty easy too, except water units. (They didn't make any, so said Karune in some post a couple of weeks ago. You'd also have to code the water effects.)