Released same time as old batch, but never in High resolution, hence many of you missing them. Yes, they appear similar, i believe 2 of them are the same screenshots as an older one but from a different angle. But hey, a drought is a drought.
wow !! now i got this feeling you know this feeling that you cant wait to get your hands on this game thx for these fine pics. The siege tanks looks like a whole fort themselves. joke - Can you order 4 marines to enter a sieged tank? The little zergs looks awesome with the gigantic now with its called, this elephant thingy next to them.
Yup, you actually can in the editor. You can make any unit store other units inside it. For example, you could take the normal bunker, then change its model to a marine, and change some stats so it can walk. Then you could make that marine really really big, and walla, a marine bunker... Or you could make a thor with the bunker property, so it would be a massive walking bunker if you so wished.
Ah, i remember that function from the WCIII FT editer, good times ^^ Speaking of the Editer, i can't wait to see what Users do with it! i'm pretty sure even though the game isnt including a level up system in the story mode or the multiplayer (thank God) i heard somewhere that they might include a lvl up system simply for the editers sake after seeing WC III FT's success w/ games like Defense Of The Ancients! ^^ im a bit of a DotA fan myself
It would be cool if someone made a SC2 map where the terrans had mobile buildings... Imagine.. a battle where your enemies base can simple get up and move from place to place. Inside each building are units that can defend it. OOO Also you could finally have BC's store wraiths in their hulls like they talk about in the books.
Dota in starcraft 2. I might die from excitement. Like literally, fall on the ground and start crying...............dota in sc2.*sniffle* I would be the happiest man alive. Thanks for the pics, although i've seen them all except the first.
Great pics, thank you (as usual ) "I am scared, non of these screenshots are widescreen. (*hugs his 1920x1200 LCD*)" I can remember, that must be 1.5 years ago, thats Blizzard said that widescreen users would gain no additional benefit (so no extra space), but I dont know if they still have this opinion.