Sc2gears 0.80 with charts and with latest replay format support More screenshots Changes since version 0.61: ---------------------------------- Charts tab is now implemented! Features of the Charts tab: -3 chart types as of now: APM, Hotkeys and Builds/Tech. -On the APM chart you can set the granularity in pixels and the curve approximation (linear or cubic). -On the Hotkeys chart you can visualize the Assign and Select hotkeys (you can hide select hotkeys). -On the Builds/Tech chart you can visualize the Build, Train, Research and Upgrade actions. You can enable/disable any of it, and you can choose whether to display workers if Train actions are displayed. -A colored action list with action icons is displayed below the charts, you can filter it by action types. Action colors can be inverted, icon size can be changed (or hid). -You can jump to a specified frame, you can search text in the action, and you can filter them by the entered text. The filter text are in logical AND connection by default, you may enter OR between them to specify a logical OR connection. Hotkeys: CTRL+J jump, CTRL+S search, CTRL+F filter. -You can fast switch between charts with CTRL+number. For example CTRL+1 for APM, CTRL+2 for Hotkeys etc. -You can fast zoom in with CTRL+I and zoom out with CTRL+U. -Right click on the chart opens the Replay operations menu. Applied to all chart types: -Every chart can be zoomed. If a chart is zoomed, you can simply drag it to scroll (or traditionally use the scrollbar). -You can choose to display all players on 1 common chart, or to put each on a separate one. -You can choose to display time info in seconds or in frames. -You can choose to display charts using the players' in-game colors, or with the same color. -You can enable/disable any of the players. -The chart marker and the selected action is synchronized to each other. ====================================================================== Other new features and changes: -New replay operation: Watch replay. If Sc2 is not running, this will start Sc2 and starts playing the replay. -Added new search fields: Match-up, Build order, Building, Unit, Research, Upgrade, Unit ability, Building ability. The build order may contain asterisks (*) to match any building. The unit and building ability fields can be used to find replays where the specified abilities were used. At each of these fields you can also specify the min occurrence count (for example PSI storm was used at least 10 times). -Added a new "List all replays of this source" shortcut button to the source tab of the Replay search to quickly list the replays of a source (you can achieve this by going to the filters tab and performing a search without changing any filter fields). -New menu item: Folder settings. Here you can set your Sc2 installation folder, auto replay folder and SC2 maps folder. -Added Swedish translation by Marcus Östergren (translated version 0.61). -Game info tab now groups players into teams. -Closeable tabs now can be closed with CTRL+W (search results tab for example). -When search/load is finished, Abort button is removed. -Added map name and size on the map preview tab, and now map preview is scrollable by dragging. -New symbols in the replay rename dialog: match-up, race match-up, full name, full name list, -Fixed a small bug in the replay rename code (template processor). -Coordinates are now parsed and displayed properly. -Supports the new replay format (from version 0.11), and does not support previous versions. -More flexible layout on some tabs. Home page: Note: It's written in Java, so you need Java 6.0 or newer to use it. On the other hand if you have Java, you can use it (on all operating systems: Windows, MAC OS-X, Linux).
It says fail to parse replay on all of the replays i select. Details say Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (! Unsupported replay version (!
Blizzard changed the replay format in patch 9 (version 0.11). Sc2gears 0.80 only handles the new replay format (version 0.11 and newer). The old replay format is so different (and will never come back) so I decided to drop it. If for some reason you still need to handle some old replays, Sc2gears 0.61 handles the old replays (but it does not have charts).
Ok thought that might be the case, didn't see that the first replays listed in recent were from February >> Thanks for the fast reply! Your work is quite amazing
Yes. There is a rename function where you can specify a template, and it will rename all selected replays. You can preview replay names before proceeding to rename. Here's a screenshot:
Version 0.82 is out. The auto-update should handle it, just click on the "Update" button. Changes since version 0.80: ---------------------------------- -Added a simple-to-use but powerful Race match-up filter. You can enter race letters you're looking for. Symbols (in English): P - Protoss, T - Terran, Z - Zerg, R - Random, v to separate teams, * to match all races. Examples: ZvT, TvR, Tv*, ZPvPT, ZZv**, ZTP. If you don't provide team separation just race letters, it will list replays where the indicated races were used. Example: if you search for "ZPT*", it will list replays where all races were used, and there was at least a 4th player. If you provide team separation, it will list replays where the grouped races were in the same team. The "Exact match" property in case of this filter means: if it is checked, only replays that have exactly the same amount of teams and races as specified will be listed. For example ZvZ without exact match will also list ZTvZP for example. ZvZ with exact match will only list ZvZ. Note 1: if you have a replay of TvR which turned out to be TvZ, it will match both "TvR" and the "TvZ" patterns, but not the "TvP" pattern for example. Note 2: if you have a replay of TvZ (chosen T and Z, not random), it will not match the "TvR" pattern. Note 3: the race letters are the first letters of races in the language of Sc2gears! For example in Swedish the letter for Random is 'S'. The tool tip shows the proper letters of races in the language of Sc2gears. Note 4: the Race match-up filter can be combined with the Match-up filter of course, but care must be taken as they might work against each other (for example searching for "1v1" and "**v**" will never give any results). -Added a new folder setting: "Default folder when opening replays". If this is set, replay choosing dialogs will start from this folder. -Added German translation for version 0.82 by Stephan Wimmer. -Added Swedish translation for version 0.80 by Marcus Östergren. -Added Russian translation for version 0.80 by Nikita "niyaro" Tsarev. -Added French translation for version 0.82 by Romain Salvin. -User home relative paths in the folder settings are now handled this way: if the specified path exists, it will be used as-is. If doesn't, it will be completed with the user home (prepend). So if your Documents folder is placed outside of your home folder, just give the absolute path you want to use and it'll work. -On MAC OS and MAC OS-X StarCraft is started with command: "StarCraft".
Sc2gears 0.90 has been released Changes since version 0.82: ---------------------------------- -A new chart type: Builds/Tech Stat This bar chart will show statistics of the units/buildings/researches/upgrades you made during the game, and abilities you used grouped by their categories. You can specify what to display, and you can change the bars' size. Statistics will be gathered only up to the time of the marker (the selected action). So you can follow how these statistics change over time. The objects on the chart will be displayed in the occurrence order. If marker is not yet visible, you'll see statistics for the whole game. -A new option below the action list: Use listed actions as chart input data This option gives GREAT customization to the data visualized on the charts. If checked, charts will be constructed only from the actions that are listed in the action list. Note: the listed actions can be filtered in 2 ways (besides the player check boxes): either by the action-type check boxes (like Train, Build etc.) and by a user specified free-text. Green background draws attention if this is enabled. Useful examples: First enable "Use visible actions as chart input data", then: If you want to see how players add supply (for all races), enter a filter text: "pylon or supply or overlord". If you want to see when players expand, select only the Build action type and enter a filter text: "hatchery or nexus or command center". If you want to see the Macro APM chart, filter actions only to types of Trains and Builds. -Race letters can now be specified in the language files in order to avoid confusion of races with the same first letters. -Added a few new actions that weren't parsed in the previous version. -Optimized action filtering by action types, it should be faster now. -Updated language files to newer versions.
Sc2gears 1.00 has been released. Changes since version 0.90: ---------------------------------- -Added a new Sc2gears.exe file to the application. This program detects installed JVMs (Java Virtual Machines), and if none present (or only older versions), offers to go to the Java home page to download it. It's recommended to associate SC2Replay files with Sc2gears.exe, so if you double click on them, Sc2gears will come up with the replay opened in an analyzer. Multiple replays can also be passed in which case all will be opened (within the same Sc2gears using multiple internal analyzers). Furthermore you can pass any SC2 replay files, Sc2gears replay source files and Sc2gears replay list files, they will all be opened respectively. If a file name contains spaces, put it in quotation marks. If Sc2gears is started with this exe, no other javaw process will be spawned (the jvm.dll will be instantiated and the VM will run in the Sc2gears.exe process). On Windows 7 Sc2gears.exe can be pinned to the taskbar. -The Map preview tab of the Replay analyzer offers a button to download the map if you don't have it. If you download it, it will be put in your StarCraft II cache folder (depends on what folder you set), so if you want to watch the replay in Sc2, the map will be available instantly. Gateway can be chosen where to download maps from (e.g. America, Asia, Europe). -Tabbed panes now have numbers as mnemonics, so you can switch between the tabs easily by pressing ALT+1, ALT+2, ALT+3 etc. -Added a new "Race match-up" column to the results tab (replay lists and search results). -Added a new "File date" column to the replay lists and search results. This is only the last modified date of the replay file, not the date of the game. -Added new search fields: gateway, game type. -Added support of the new replay format (from version 0.16). Supported versions are: 0.11 and all newer versions. -Updated the Sc2gears Updater to perform SHA-256 checksum before updating to increase the clients' security. -Teams were not always parsed correctly, this is fixed now.