Who here would be interested? I see we have varied levels of gamers, from Master league'ers all the way down to Bronze League. I want to try an organize a game meet for this upcoming Wednesday 8 PM eastern time. Its not enough to just exchange gamer codes and names, we should all get to play eachother, with eachother and so on so forth. Chat it up, get to talk brass tacks and so forth. I would like to encourage members of this community to show up for this. Hopefully if this is successful we can do this every other week and maybe organize into something a little more better. I recognize alot of people (including myself) are not top notch players, but hopefully with some games with experienced players, it should be a fun night regardless of what we do. The Channel for this event will be SC2F (until something else is done) The time will be 8PM Eastern Time. I understand time differences, this is just a generalized time. I will try and be in the channel as much as possible (idle at the very least to make sure people dont think its dead), any pro-idlers are encouraged to idle there. I hope to see people there. Lets create a decent gamer community for SC2F.