SC2 will end the zerg campaigns forever?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Jshep89, Jun 17, 2009.

SC2 will end the zerg campaigns forever?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Jshep89, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Okay, So its obvious they have some form of intentions of making a new race for SC with the hybrids. I am just thinking lore wise given what we have all seen thus far. With kerrigan being the only leader left amongst the zerg swarms. Plus the creation of a cure for infestation (see SC 64 storyline.), and of course scroll down to the bottom and it shows the possibility of kerrigan being cured. So I am just wondering if they intend to destroy the zerg in SC2 completely and replace them with a new race.

    What do you guys think? I mean a lot of the lore suggests the end of the zerg swarm is approaching and to be replaced with an empty space to be filled by another much more diabolical species.
  2. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Hell no, blizz will keep all three races. ALWAYS. They will not get rid of the original 3. 3 Is like the key number in this rts. They are all unique.
  3. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Agreed. There is no way Blizzard will let one of the three main races go extinct. More likely some sort of event will happen even if Kerrigan is killed / de-infested that will keep the Swarm going. Any number of things could do the trick, from an Overlord getting more intelligent to the assimilation of some of the returning Xel 'Naga remnants.

    Especially if Blizzard is planning beyond the Starcraft II trilogy, I do not see them getting rid of any of the races. Maybe adding, if anything.
  4. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Well I mean they could replace the zerg with the hybrids. Its obvious the hybrids are going to have some resemblance to the zerg. So its not so unbelievable that they would replace the zerg with the hybrids. I mean they have kind of stretched the race thin of commanders. They have stated that there will not be a new Overmind and that all of the cerebrates have died. So once kerrigan is gone then the zerg have nothing left, unless a terran commander some how recreates the Psi disruptor and take command of them. Which still wouldn't be enough to take complete control.

    The zerg are beat, and once the cure to the infestation has been implemented to the SC2 story line they will lose their edge. It just doesn't seem likely that the zerg will survive SC2, and if they do they won't be a major player in the storyline anymore. I just think its more likely that they would die out.
  5. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    The Hybrids though would not be an entirely new race. There aren't that many of them (presumably) and, like hybrid animals here on Earth, they are probably infertile. Small numbers + infertility cannot birth a whole new race.

    My main reason for Blizzard not killing off the Zerg is the simple fact that Starcraft's success is due to its unique and awesome trifecta of races - Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. Plain and simple, they would lose a lot of fans if they completely got rid of the Zerg (myself included). The only way I can see the Zerg being eradicated is if the Starcraft II Trilogy is meant to be the end of the Starcraft games, which I just do not see happening.

    Leadership-wise, if Kerrigan dies, I am sure that Blizzard will throw something into the storyline to keep the Zerg around. Maybe the Hybrids will take over, or a new Xel Naga entity, or something. In a worse case scenario, I can see the Zerg still being a threat because they would still be able to reproduce and rampage around the galaxy; they would just be completely disordered.

    Infestation-wise, the Zerg multiply and expand through assimilation, which is not the same as simple infestation. Just because an infested Terran can be cured does not mean that all the Mutalisks can be returned to their original Mantis Streamer forms. Each strain of the Zerg is there to stay, since it is genetically programmed into the Larvae and evolved past pure mutation, a.k.a. infestation.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  6. Darktemplar_L

    Darktemplar_L New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Man... I really liked the Cerebrates. Especially Daggoth. HE WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO ME!!!! Okay not really, but I just wish Blizzard hadn't killed off the Cerebrates so it could add a twist to the plot.

    I don't think they would kill off the entire Zerg race. That's just not possible. Even if Kerrigan was somehow dethroned as the Queen of Blades, you can't simply kill off billions of left over Zerg. Kerrigan is also smart enough to probably somehow imput a command in the minds of Zerg that in the case that she is gone, continue to follow her commands.

    Hybrids are hybrids and not a whole new race with buildings and whatnot. In the secret Broodwar mission, Duran actually had to genetically altar them in a stasis cell. So it doesn't seem like they can breed and reproduce.
  7. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    If you saw what I was talking about on the link I posted. Kerrigan is likely to be cured of her infection and in doing so she wouldn't feel the need to command the zerg anymore. As for the hybrids breeding, we don't know that they can't. Just because they came from a test tube doesn't mean they can't breed. Its possible they will have a stronger infestation one the current cure won't work with. As for the remaining zerg after the command structure is gone. They will do what they did in brood war after the overmind died. Go freaking ballistic.
  8. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Again though, if we assume realistic science (well at least as realistic as sci-fi can get), hybrids by definition are infertile and cannot reproduce. Furthermore, the infestation cure doesn't cure hybridization or assimilation, just infestation. So it could make Kerrigan back to normal (provided she isn't too far gone), but it would not affect the other Zerg strains or the Protoss-Zerg hybrids.
  9. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    actually it would

    infestation is nothing more then being mixed with a buncha wuncha zerg genes, so they can mind-control you, and you can do better tricks(ripping open steel and stuff). Anything that would remove the infestation, would remove zerg stuff in general, so would turn the hybrids into protoss

    i think
  10. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    well not all the cerebrates are death, only whoose who aren't at kerrigant order.

    Remember that in zerg campaign YOU are a cerebrate.

    About a cure I don't think that can exist. Your genes are modified, even if we cut all bad genes you will produce other by yourself. You are a new kind of people and you can't became like before.(At least i think)
  11. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    We were told by Blizzard employees all the cerebrates are dead. The only ones who might be alive were Kerrigan's one cerebrate, and Kaloth.

    A cure probably wouldn't work on hybrids. They're not infested protoss, with a base protoss form which could be theoretically recovered. A "cure" would probably just kill them.
  12. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Here's a lengthier explanation of how I was aware things worked for the Zerg.

    Infestation - A Terran (or Protoss) is captured by the Zerg and infected by the Zerg Evolutionary Virus. This virus causes various mutations in the host which lead to increased aggression, physical changes, and a desire to obey the Zerg chain of command.

    Assimilation - The basis for this would be infestation, but it is carried much farther. After the initial mutations and characteristics manifest in enough members of a certain species, the Zerg begin to selectively evolve the species even further. Nobody is sure how exactly this works, but Zerg steer the genetic material of the infested species to be even more efficient, physically imposing, and obedient. The end result is a genetically-warped creature with vague resemblance to the assimilated species whose new genetic code is available to the Zerg Larvae.

    Hybridization - Duran hand-picked genetic material from both Zerg and Protoss subjects, implanted them together in some sort of empty-slate egg (any cell missing its genetic material), and experimented until he was able to grow an entirely new creature. As with any species meld, the it would be extremely unlikely that the reproductive portions of the Zerg and Protoss DNA would be compatible at all for breeding.

    So, in theory an infestation cure would probably be able to reverse some of the mutations and bring the infested Terran or Protoss nearly back to normal. However, it would not work for assimilation, as the creature is too evolved and integrated into the swarm; nor would it work for hybridization, since that process has nothing to do with the Zerg Evolutionary Virus.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2009
  13. Sueco

    Sueco New Member

    Mar 25, 2009
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    I can hardly believe that the Zerg will go extinct. Their current incarnation will most likely be beaten and thrown back by kerrigans eventual defeat and a combined terran/protoss arms, but just like a flu, the evolutionary race goes on.
  14. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    nothing can destroy the zerg, they are always somewhere hiding. Even with protoss destroying all planets where they see them lot of zerg were still here. We have the proof when some deranged terran activated a think who make them come.
  15. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    even if, story-wise, the zerg (and kerrigan) are dead, they'll be back somehow. you know, like the orcs in warcraft. after beating them and destroying the dark portal, they're here again! and they're good guys this time!
  16. john

    john Guest


    at the end of the human campain in SC2 they make kerigan human again so i dont think she can command the zerg or could she... she is pycsic after all but im think that leaves the zerg with out a leader but hey you never know, how was the first overmind made? who knows they're could be an other one in the making
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010