SC2 Strategy game or just Hot Hands?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by AngelLestat, Jul 25, 2008.


What do you think that it will be more imperative to win a game in SC2

  1. A good strategy.

    13 vote(s)
  2. The opponent that makes his/her army faster and attacks.

    6 vote(s)

SC2 Strategy game or just Hot Hands?

  1. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Well, that is the ask that I wonder about this new game for comming.
    Blizzard say that is a strategy game. Well I am not soo sure about that.

    I really love the starcraft universe, how we can choose between these 3 races soo differents and play it with a good balance. (talking about SC1)

    I am following the progress of this new sequel, and it looks great!, there are a lot of new good ideas and units, like: Stalker, Colossus, MotherShip, Reapers, Jackal, Planetary Fortress, Queen, Nydus worm (old version), Ultralisk splash.

    But also I am worry about how playable and fun it will be.
    Becoz some changes only seem to promise that your fast grow and attack is the only that it matters.
    This is the only thing that I did'nt like about SC1, Becoz all was about your APM, no about strategy, positing units, surprice attacks, defences like others strategy games.
    The new mechanic of the vesper gas is an example (where is the strategy, fun or purpose of press one button every 1 min ???) And magically you get more gas??
    I fan on protos race, i love the new phase cannon and phace prism, but i dont join play a race if has advantages or disadvanteges with other races. For the things that we see, I can said that terran is the most powerfull race, then the protos, and last one the zergs (i dont know, i want to believe that blizzards is only starting to give ideas to this race)

    Other worrys: how can you defend against 1 Thor with some Marines with Medivac dropship and 2 siegetanks. There are no defend on your base that can deal will it. They can fire on distance and regarding position against one counter attack loosing less economy.

    I started to like the new zergs with the queen idea and nydus worm. I think that is a good idea the overlord change, that you can not transport more troops, and that only some overlords can see invisible units. But were are the bonus to mantain the balance to this changes.

    The zergs cannot climb terrain, protos have a lot of new movility options and also terran. Maybe I dont know, with that blizzard keep some balance, but i wonder about the gameplay. Thought that an alien bug race cant climb a cliff sound stupid for the starcraft universe.
    Maybe give it to the roach a climb upgrade that it has a cost, can solve this problem.
    And about the new Nydus worm that it need creep to come out... well I wanna know your ideas about this.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  2. .............................................................................

    The whole "faster/bigger = win" only occurs on money maps, and fastest. Anyone who says the same thing, but still plays low-money maps .. I can't accept their opinion .. Unless, of course, all of the players in that game are new.

    "positing units, surprice attacks, defences like others strategy games."

    FAIL!!! These are some of the main points in StarCraft (1) .. Did you play 1 game, or 10?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2008
  3. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    The bigger/faster = win thing is seen in a lot of macro-heavy games on sane maps.

    I even saw it in StarCraft II, and IMO is kind of boring. Like a Zerg vs Protoss match from the March event, where all the Zerg player did for the relatively short game was make Zerglings, throw them at the Zealot, and not even attempt to micromanage them. The Zealots kept owning the Zerglings, but the Zerg player refused to change tactics (and lost). Both players were well known "progamers". (If I could ferret out the match from the zillions of youtube videos, I would post the link.)
  4. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    When I read back my post, I realized that my criticism about Strategy it sound very hard, was not my intention, sorry.
    And my english level dont help me either.
    Thanks for your opinion Tychus, i am agree that faster/bigger = win is more common in money maps.
    But you cant said that you have a chance in starcraft 1 with a good strategy against someone that grow 2 times faster that you. And that difference is not soo big in other games like BFME2, Comander and Conquer, etc. You can play a little more with your units without concentrate all the time in the production.
    In the time of SC1 i wanna invite many friends to play the game, some friends that never play it before.
    But they play it 3 or 5 times, and they get bored. They said that you need to be concentrate in the game all the time, and if you dont know all "the times, upgrades, structures and units" very well. It was very hard to win.

    And for that, I only said that changes like vespen gas mechanic or some others, it does'nt add nothing to the strategy.
    But well, I dint play never in, I saw many replays and videos of good matchs.
    In that time i play it a lot in LAN or Internet battles with friends. I am not pro, I know, and I post the ask, hoping that someone can convince me that I am wrong. And if I am wrong.. Better :)

    Kimera: I dont said that strategy dont work.. of course that it works!
    I am asking what is more imperative, and in your example you explain a case of 2 player "pro", so i think both has the same hotkey velosity. But yes, i saw some videos like that.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
  5. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I think a combination of speed and srategy is required to win. So I cannot vote sorry.
  6. firemanbob

    firemanbob New Member

    Jun 23, 2008
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    i think it will be a good balance of the two, yes you have to act quickly and decisively to win, but this IS a real-time strategy game, if you want more time to consider your moves then you need to play turn based.
  7. "But you cant said that you have a chance in starcraft 1 with a good strategy against someone that grow 2 times faster that you. "

    EAAASSSYYY!! With Tanks, blocks, storms, plagues, lurkers, nukes, ..... Strategy .... There's so many ways .. Why do you think people win 2v1 or 3v1? I think we've all won games like that. I, myself, have won several.
  8. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Well, with a title like "SC2 Strategy game or just Hot Hands?" I deserve this kind of replys and votes :)
    I think that "Simbob" did the best answer. Becoz the question was trick it, "what is more imperative?"
    That depends on how we imagine the example I guess.
    But my point with this post was try to prove the necesary of the production in SC regarding other strategy games, and if this kind of difference is the thing that makes to Starcraft a good game or the universe where it is founded
  9. JacobBlair1

    JacobBlair1 New Member

    Jul 23, 2008
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    Sometimes i dont even like to try and beat the protoss because they build faster so thats how people seem to win
  10. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    If anything the emphasis on macro has decreased somewhat.

    Strategic counters are even more important than they were in SC1. One unit's abilities are much more important than before.

    Plus it's hard to comment on this change without finalizations in balance and without being comfortable with enough of the abilities to actually attempt to use them. A person can only compute so much information on the first few tries with the game.
  11. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    They build fast because Protoss need to be aggressive and control territory so they have the resources to manufacture a fearsome army.