Someone named Cologne from SClegacy got to play a current build similar to the others that have recently come out. here it is some Q&A by him
Someone named Cologne.. hahahaha Cologne is a city in Germany... HappyMint is a WoW player who actually played the current build and wrote down his impressions..
I think the biggest problem from what i see from the zerg is the power update of alot of units and the zerg not being able to maintain their units effectively because of their cost health and economy boost of the other 2 and the zerg loseing units which i think effects the game alot now. Another is the tech tree and while it seems the other 2 have gotten atleast a better option the zerg are still pinned down I think mainly because they have to morph the hive/lair/hatchery which slows them down. Iv always had mixed messages about the power of the roach and mutalisk (the stats are from sc1 and need a redoing) in sc2 Protoss I think is the higher tech units still somewhat get stuck in that massed zone such as the carrier (I liked the concept of the tempest but I guess it diden"t work It just seems too frail) and the collossus (seems to work well). Warp in has always in my mind seemed a bit overpowered but will probly be adressed in the beta. the terran I think are fine other than maybe the ravens abilities being tweaked and the battle cruisers stats looked at but other then that I think the zerg just need to be brought up to their level and the protoss are practicly there.
Its shame to see how siege tanks and ex-vultures ended up. Whenever I thought of terrans I always imagined loads of sieged tanks with vultures running around them laying mines, they were iconic. I believe tanks might be tweaked slightly in beta however emotions aside it might actually be welcomed change. I was growing tired of every single TvP/TvT game becoming a vulture/goliath/siege tank fest and if its true that mech and infantry combinations work the best it will bring a lot more variety. Zergs tiers and weak units + warp in will definetly be tweaked in beta so I wont panic there yet.
Seige tanks are fine they acully do more damage its just toward armored more and the attack of the seige tank while not in seige mode has also been increased in speed its just the fact that they balanced the unit so its not completely relied on like in the first one (there still good they have just been tweeked for sc2) and also remember this guy mainly played terran.
The sensor towers revealing themselves to the enemy is a kind of wtf feature but I am sure theyll remove it. According to him beta wont be out for another 1-3 months and unfourtunately I have the same feeling.
Sensor Towers have revealed themselves since they were introduced (via the big red range ring). I'm not saying it's completely entrenched, but it seems to be the case that Blizzard is okay with the reveal.