SC2 marketing is dishonest

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by bakushi, Jul 28, 2010.

SC2 marketing is dishonest

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by bakushi, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. bakushi

    bakushi New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Just bought and installed the SC2 disk product. Created the battlenet account, but still can't play the game. At this time, I think the reason is because I can't find a way to create character. I called the technical support line, but was directed to a Blizzard webpage. There was no live person from Blizzard to help the customer on the phone.

    I just want to check out the single player campaign, but since the entire game relies on the internet to play, I can't even start the game at this time. There is no justification to rely on the internet for a single player mode. The SC2 product designer made a mistake by forcing the customer to rely on the battlenet even for the single player mode.

    More seriously, Blizzard put the internet required wording in very small font on their product box. There is no mention that the entire game relies on battlenet even for the single player mode when the product is being marketed. It seems that Blizzard wants to "hook" customers into battlenet by springing a surprise on the customer after he has purchased the product. This practice is deceptive. It is dishonest marketing.

    Having enjoyed the original SC1 game, I must say that the current SC2 product is a big let down because of product design and deceptive marketing. Also, customer support (by phone) is non-existent at this time. A decade after the first landmark SC1 product, Blizzard's business practice has taken a nose dive. Forcing every customer to use battlenet is serious blunder in Blizzard's business strategy.

    I will probably not purchase any SC2 sequel. I am also entitled to a full refund should my current SC2 product fail to work within reasonable time.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  2. jasmine

    jasmine New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    I'm sorry to hear you experiences. There are many posts on these forums by people who too are having problems getting started. You're certainly not alone.

    The reliance on the internet to seek permission to play each time you load the game has been known for a long time, but I'm surprised it was not made clearer on the game's packaging for those who do not have a permanent internet connection.
  3. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    You do realize that basically every game on computers has had this implemented over the past few years, right? It's not just Starcraft 2. Further, you agreed to the terms and conditions upon installing the game. Anyone who clicks accept, accepts that an internet connection is required. You saying that you have the "right" to a full refund, is about the same as saying that cows can fly. It's just utter bull****.
  4. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    ...aren't there also topics about how you just click play as guest for offline mode...
  5. azrael

    azrael Guest

    well you seem to have some acces to internet otherwise you wouldn't be able to post on an internet forum...
  6. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    ^ owned
  7. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Not really. The guy could be at work or elsewhere.

    TBH it is listed on the outside of the box as a minimum system requirement.

    Who doesnt have internet anyways?

    Blizz has to do this, or there would be a hundred "SC2" servers running tomorrow and mucho profits lost to bit torrent.

    They dont program for the 2% still using windows 98, and they dont lose millions for the 2% that dont have internet...I am going to have to side with Blizzard on this one. Not that you care, just saying.
  8. bakushi

    bakushi New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    My entitlement for a full refund is based on the fact that Blizzard has sold a defective product. It doesn't launch even with an internet connection. This problem appears to be wide spread at this time. Even for a click type consumer contract, if the seller sells a defective product, the consumer is entitled to a refund.

    Of course, the reasonable thing is to give Blizzard a few days to fix the problem. After that, if Blizzard still fails to fix the problem, then their product liability will likely be legally established.

    Filing a complaint with federal trade commission's bureau of consumer protection may be the next step. Also, since many customers have this failure to launch problem, a class action may also be viable.

  9. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I have seen this post 1000 times in the last 10 years. There are a thousand reasons why you wont win any court battles against Blizzard, a THOUSAND. Feel free to dump money into it, but if you dont have internet, I dont think you will be able to fund a legal attack on a corporation. If you meet the minimum reqs, your game will work.

    Besides the fact the games a day old, there are a million PC configs and you dont have internet....the best you can do is go exchange it for a new copy. You may want to uninstall/reinstall, update your drivers, scan your pc for malware, update your windows, etc etc.

    I would bet you ANYTHING, the problem lies in that box at your feet...besides of course the multiplayer server issues or bugs in the unpatched new game.

    ^ If that is the case...lets make a bet, :|
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  10. bakushi

    bakushi New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    The problem is not internet access. It is the crashes and bugs that is the problem here. For a site like battlenet, crashes and bugs are not that uncommon. The product should be designed such that single player campaign mode may be played without internet. Since you are playing the single player campaign all by yourself, there is really no need to use the internet. Requiring internet to set up the entire game (including single player campaign mode) is excessive. It is a design mistake.

    Right now, there are numerous consumers posting on the web, complaining that they can't launch the game even with internet connection. Had Blizzard permitted the game to function in single player mode without internet/battlenet connection, we won't hear so many complaints now. Those people that can't play multi-player on the internet can still play the single player campaign mode for a few days. This will buy Blizzard some time to fix the problem without leaving those customers hanging. Unfortunately, because the entire game is designed to use battlenet, the product is 100% non-functioning for many people right now.

    Phone calls to Blizzard's technical support line are not answered at all. A business's goodwill can be destroyed by product design mistakes and by a lack of product support. This is true even for a company like Blizzard.

    BTW, I have no problem with SC2's requirement that any multi-player mode should use battlenet.

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  11. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Dude, they even assume third world countries have internet, since they have a seperate payment plan for that. I don't know where you live, but it must be quite a crappy place. Either that, or you're simply stuck with a crappy internet provider. I suggest you contact them, since a random rant on this forum won't really solve anything.
  12. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I guess he missed my post about how they are not willing to lose MILLIONs to appease 1-2% of their consumer base. /shrug

    You do understand its not illegal to make a crappy products right? Thats the best you have right now, and in the current market...its above excellent.

    Sucks that you have issues, but its you OR is just launch time jitters by blizz..

    The stance you are taking is pretty extreme and disillusion though.
  13. jasmine

    jasmine New Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    I sympathise with your game's failure to run, but in all honesty, filing a complaint with consumer protection is unrelated to whether you think parts of the game should or should not use internet/battlenet. There would be zero legal strength to that argument.
  14. clanman

    clanman Guest

    losing millions to appease 1-2%? Heh, show figures when you talk in ignorance.
  15. bakushi

    bakushi New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    The complaint will be based product defect, including the game's failure to launch. Had the single player campaign part not be based on battlenet, the game will at least launch for that part. The product will still be partially defective, but that's better than the product being completely defective. Anyway, Blizzard should have a few days to fix that problem.

    BTW, the product defect is quite wide spread. Blizzard is not taking any product service phone calls right now.

  16. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Really? What do you think mass piracy runs a tier 1 game? into the thousands? or just the hundreds? haha.

    Look in the mirror, if you want to discuss ignorance....or just reread the thread and pay attention this time.
  17. rui-no-onna

    rui-no-onna Member

    May 24, 2010
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    4. Service and Terms of Use. The Terms of Use agreement governs all aspects of game play. If you do
    not agree with the Terms of Use, then (a) you may not register for an Account to play the Game; and (b)
    you may call 1-800-592-5499 within thirty (30) days after the original purchase and request a
    full refund of the purchase price. Once you accept the License Agreement and the Terms of
    Use, you will no longer be eligible for a refund.
  18. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Well since 1-3% of thousands HP or Dell systems and printers I procured over a few years were DOA....they must get sued a lot!

    There are TOS, warranty agreements, even the minimum reqs leave a loophole, saying they can change them at will. The only thing you can do is not buy again.

    Sorry about the no internet thing, but its not 2003, PC gaming piracy is a MAJOR problem to the extent many devs and corps have all but abandoned PC game development. This means a few people get upset because they cant play offline....but it also means most people are not playing on ripped games.

    I want companies that are still dedicated to PC gaming to make mucho money, and if people are stealing their product, they wont. I know it, they know it, the only people upset are the few without internet...and apparently clanman. ;)
  19. bakushi

    bakushi New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    It is not illegal to make a crappy product, but courts generally support the notion that consumers are entitled to have their money back if the product is defective. Reporting defective product to consumer protection agency is not an unusual thing to do. This is especially true if the defect is on a large scale. Right now, there seems to be a lot of complaint on SC2 defect.

    But the time is not ripe for any reporting or suing right now. The product has just launched, and under industry norm, Blizzard should have reasonable time to fix the problem. I think we can all agree on that. This is true for i-phones, toyota cars, etc. It should also be true for SC2.

    I had internet connection, created battlenet account, installed the game according to the product manual, but still can't get the game to launch. There are numerous complaints on the web. Blizzard is not even talking calls for product service. The product defect is wide spread.

    SC1 was an excellent product. That created a lot of expectations. Now Blizzard is dropping the ball in a ceremonious fashion due to product defect and non-existent product service. This reminds me of the whole i-phone 4 disaster. Maybe Blizzard will fix the problem like Apple did? I sure hope so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2010
  20. savethehumans

    savethehumans New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Right, but if you signed the tos, burned the serial and opened the game, they cant recover costs.

    If the product is defective they will replace it with a functional one.

    It would be like buying a movie DVD, bringing it home, then sue paramount because you didnt enjoy it, or demand they take it back. Software has a width berth because there are not laws in order to protect the consumer (not that I feel that is the case here). There are so many legal "outs", people cant do anything, even on a massive scale.

    I bought a game called Two Worlds that was the worst glitching, disconnecting 60% built mess ever, and I couldnt get money back...the game tanked, limited updates were created and it never was even half assed fixed. They didnt face any legal action because of the same reasons that protect blizzard if the games fails on someones system.

    There are 2 sides to every coin, if every person could sue or collect money back all these companies would fail or be forced to make a product 100%, since a product on PC working on everyone system is impossible, they would all move to a static hardware builds AKA consoles.

    I have been crapped on with terrible poorly developed half built games so much (even console), that I now normally lurk in forums and wait till a few months after release to see whats up. This strategy has saved me a ton of money and time. I just suggest ya trust the companies you have had luck with and boycott those you dont. I never played SC more then a few times, but WC, WoW and Diablo...all were fine, on my systems and IMHO.

    Paying 65$ for a game and not having it launch would grind my gears as well, so I feel ya.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010