SC2 Custom Game: Snipers Bald + Locks Gameplay Footage!

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Maps, Replays, Modding' started by Epin3phrin3, Jun 10, 2010.

SC2 Custom Game: Snipers Bald + Locks Gameplay Footage!

  1. Epin3phrin3

    Epin3phrin3 New Member

    May 25, 2010
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    CHECK IT OUT! First full length video of Snipers Bald + Locks 4v4 CTF Gameplay Footage! (4 Parts)

    Game starts out awesome with my team gaining a solid lead...but then leavers screw it up and it becomes a 3v2 with Nean and I trying to hold the onslaught back...see our epic fail here:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:

    Ladder System will be in place for the release of SC2 and Tournaments hosted by us will be soon after as well. Hopefully we'll be able to bring back some of the old talent as well as draw new talent to really get some heated competition!

    Help us make sure the map is ready to go by the time of SC2 release by visiting our forums and leaving suggestions on what you want to see implemented into the game! Be sure to sign up for a Ladder ID as well!
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010