Hi, I am trying to run this game since 3 days. It works the first time I reinstall it but after some time I got a dxdiag.exe error while I am loading the mission (the map let's say). While I am in the cinematic part of the game I have no crashes. As I said it works yesterday evening and coming back at midnight the game crashes: dxdiag.exe error (with some reference to the memory maybe) My PC: Intel Core i3 4 GB DDR3 Asus EAH5670 a 1GB DDR5 Win 7 32 bit I have latest driver: Catalyst 10.7 I have tried to download DirectX 11, are these working? Only solution is to reinstall from scratch, it works for a while than it crashes. Any ideas?
Please post your error in its entirety here. You can find the error log C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Logs (For Win32). Please run DXdiag.exe (which is a separate program that has nothing to do with StarCraft) in the run window and then click "Save all information" and create a txt file. Attach that text file to a post in this thread. If the txt file is too large to be posted, zip/rar it first.
Hi, In the logs I can't find any error but I found this error in C:\Users\Mik\Documents\StarCraft II\GameLogs\2010-08-21 10.53.14 MIK-PC B16291 Error: ================================================================================ StarCraft II (B16291) Time: 2010-08-21 10:53:14.186 Exe: C:\Program Files\StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\SC2.exe Parameters: Exe Built: 2010-08-20 19:20:22.350 User: Mik Computer: MIK-PC Version: Branch: branches/1.0.2-replacement Revision: 83913 Locale: itIT ================================================================================ e_gfxErrorOutofMemory "Starcraft II has encountered an error. Avaiable Graphic memory could be exhausted. Restart the computer. If the proble persist consult our we site,, bla bla.. ....................... ............. Memory Usage Startup Error Current CRT malloc Bytes 0 0 0 Peak 0 0 0 MemAlloc Allocated 4,453,628 407,486,708 407,487,524 Overhead 175,444 4,197,096 4,197,096 Header+Footer 0 0 0 # Blocks 43,860 1,049,188 1,049,188 Committed 5,111,808 419,954,688 419,954,688 Reserved 5,111,808 419,954,688 419,954,688 Thread Stacks Comitted 569,344 19,259,392 1,839,104 Reserved 9,326,592 44,703,744 6,549,504 Loaded Modules Comitted + Reserved 108,032,000 135,595,267 135,595,267 Sound Allocated 0 44,373,583 44,373,583 Resource Estimation invalid 0 0 0 texture 0 445,514,664 445,514,664 shader pair 0 838,284 838,284 specialized shader 0 577,460 577,460 model 0 23,633,632 23,633,632 sound 0 21,099,339 21,099,339 movie 0 2,097,152 2,097,152 Total 0 493,760,531 493,760,531 Process Memory Pagefile Usage 54,005,760 1,114,402,816 1,114,636,288 Pagefile Usage Peak 71,471,104 1,114,718,208 1,114,988,544 Working Set 27,889,664 1,016,987,648 1,021,980,672 Working Set Peak 27,955,200 1,017,073,664 1,021,980,672 Working Set Min 204,800 204,800 204,800 Working Set Max 1,413,120 1,413,120 1,413,120 Paged Pool 273,860 437,340 437,340 Paged Pool Peak 318,012 437,508 445,660 Nonpaged Pool 11,696 310,000 310,060 Nonpaged Pool Peak 11,816 310,120 310,180 Global Paged Pool 94,904,320 109,924,352 109,969,408 Global Nonpaged Pool 28,061,696 29,073,408 29,106,176 XP Paged Pool Used 94,904,320 109,924,352 109,969,408 Free 1,452,777,472 1,351,766,016 1,362,227,200 VirtualQuery Pages Committed 138,854,400 1,218,347,008 1,218,576,384 Reserved 28,520,448 89,075,712 89,894,912 Free 1,980,043,264 839,995,392 838,946,816 Max Contigous Free 981,176,320 345,083,904 345,083,904 Committed-Private 15,597,568 1,055,318,016 1,055,547,392 Committed-Mapped 15,220,736 27,426,816 27,426,816 Committed-Image 108,036,096 135,602,176 135,602,176 Reserved-Private 14,651,392 75,206,656 76,025,856 Reserved-Mapped 13,869,056 13,869,056 13,869,056 Reserved-Image 0 0 0 Main Stack Size Peak 532,480 1,839,104 1,839,104 Limit 8,388,608 8,388,608 8,388,608 System Memory Physical Mem Used 852,729,856 1,825,845,248 1,825,009,664 Physical Mem Free 2,493,333,504 1,520,218,112 1,521,053,696 Physical Mem Total 3,346,063,360 3,346,063,360 3,346,063,360 Page File Used 1,198,006,272 2,522,861,568 2,517,635,072 Page File Free 5,492,314,112 4,167,458,816 4,172,685,312 Page File Limit 6,690,320,384 6,690,320,384 6,690,320,384 Process VM Used 167,288,832 1,307,090,944 1,308,139,520 Process VM Free 1,980,063,744 840,261,632 839,213,056 Process VM Limit 2,147,352,576 2,147,352,576 2,147,352,576 ............... Video card Vendor ID: 4098 Device ID: 26840 Device: ATI Radeon HD 5600 Series Driver Version: Video memory: 1,064,509,440 AGP memory: 1,404,596,224 Vertex Shader: vs_3_0 Pixel Shader: ps_3_0 What do I have to do? My PC is brand new..
The sooner you run DXdiag.exe and post the full report, the sooner we'll know everything about your system. If the basic specs of your system pan out, then I can tell already that you would befit from installing Windows 7 64-bit. If you did that, then you would be able to address the full 5GB of installed system RAM that you have (4GBs system + 1GB for video). Right now, 1GB of system RAM is going to waste.
There's a "texSpace" line you can add to variables.txt that might help this problem. Search the forums for it or google.