Hello everyone, SC2 was working fine for me until today... but I don't know what happened! I'll be playing, and it will just freeze all of a sudden. After that, it minimizes to the following error: e_fileCorrupt "Your StarCraft II installation is corrupt. Would you like to run the Repair tool now?" Archive: C:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Mods/Liberty.SC2Mod/Base.SC2Assets File: Assets/Textures/T1_SM_HyperionUnderhull_spec.dds it has a bunch of stuff under it as well, but it was too long to attach in the .txt file. can anyone help me out with this error? i apologize if someone already got this error and it was solved, i didn't see any problems that were like mine.
Wow. I feel sorry for you xD. Well first of all, did you run the repair tool? If that didn't work, reinstall Starcraft 2.
Zip or winRAR the text file and post the entire thing. Try running the repair tool Start => All Programs => StarCraft II => StarCraft II - Repair. Also try running chkdsk. To run it=> Windows_logo_key+r, cmd. When a command box opens, type "chkdsk c: /f" and press enter, and then restart the computer so it can run. See if that fixes any thing. If any repairs do occur, you may need to re-run the StarCraft II - repair tool. If none of that works, please post a full dxdiag. To run it=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "run 64-bit dxdiag," Then save all the data by clicking "save all information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. I hate to think your having a hard drive failure.. but if it is, the dxdiag will tell me what tool to direct you to to confirm anything that dreadful. Scratch that, we'll come to that bridge if we need to cross it.
I'm pretty sure it's not a hard drive failure. I just made the computer, and it wasn't DoA. It says my f disk is being used by another process? what do I do about that?
It will ask you if you want to close all open handles, say "yes." Since it is your system drive, it will fail to do so and ask you if you wish to run on next reboot. Hit y to that and then restart the computer whenever your ready. You can also run it without the /f switch and just see what's wrong with the file system (if anything). This won't require a restart, but it won't fix any issues. As for my last hard drive, I bought it, it came in... I backed up all my data to it.. ONE DAY LATER it is dead for no explainable reason. Don't underestimate how quickly hardware can fail. Since you seem to know your hardware, what brand is your hard drive? I can't look up the tools to check it out for it (just in case).
I have a WD1001FALS Caviar Black HDD. The chkdsk c: didn't recover any bad files, so I didn't bother going through with doing the /f part. Yes, I've tried running the repair tool twice. I'll attach both the error message I got and the dxdiag, which said I got no errors.
Reading the DXDiag, you need to do one thing ASAP: Upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit. You have 8GB of system RAM, and since you have a 32-bit OS, you can only address 4GB. So, since your video card's RAM must be addressed by the OS (2GB video ram - 4GB = 2GB usable system ram [6GB's of wasted RAM] WTF Does the 250GTS even have a 2GB version!? That that math doesn't even work!). It could be that Windows 32-bit 's wonky memory addressing in this what is causing this. You have system RAM that isn't even getting any use! Only way to fix this is to upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit. Its free for you, just get a 64-bit installation disc and install using your current Win 7 Product Key. You don't even need to reinstall completely, you can "update" to 64-bit by booting from the 64-bit DVD. I would still recommend a full 64-bit reinstall. All your ram will be addressed. If you think because you open the system Window and it says "8GB" of RAM.. well.. its lying. I wish Microsoft wouldn't have put the change in there so it lies to you, but the truth is, your machine may not know how much RAM it really has, and it could be crashing because its trying to address RAM that isn't available to it. The math isn't working out at all. System things it has 3GB's of RAM, but the video card thinks its 2GB's. 32-bit Windows cannot address 5GB's of RAM. Anyway, after a update, you'll have to install all 64-bit drivers anyway. Your choice to full reinstall or update.
Im also got the same problem.. repair tool and reinstall still not solving this problem.. any idea? e_fileCorrupt "Your StarCraft II installation is corrupt. Would you like to run the Repair tool now?" Archive: D:/Program Files/StarCraft II/Mods/Liberty.SC2Mod/Base.SC2Assets File: Assets\Textures\Bel_Shir_Dirt_DarkNormal.dds