Hey I found this match on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byrgGxviK-8 So what do you think? I think the Zerglings are very fr3aking fast! and the new Mutation animation looks cool. The strategy that the teams used was also very different and worked or didn't work. ONe team turtled with eachother, and the other went for a more rushy strat. what do you guys think? (PS I mostly made this for what ppl think on the Zerg buildings and stuff but I'm also wondering how new this is. Im pretty sure its newish.)
It's already been viewable on youtube for at least a month. However, not everyone may have seen it yet.
No, I haven't seen it yet and now I just saw it. 3 videos of 2 matches. They were great. Some new stuff in here like the new Zerg construction buildings animations. Some things are back : Queen and Colossus are weak. Marauders are fat again. Else zerglings are very fast ! Terran buidlings lift on and land too fast too. Now we can control them together
Yea, after I saw that vid I changed my mind on sc2 kinda suking. Iike the new animation for the Zerg for the most part, and I can't wait to have lings that fast, if you massed lings they travel so fast you could bring them to the enemy as fast as if he were at you're front door.
LOL this means you haven't seen most videos in blizzcon 09 at all? and after all your arguments on the threads, this comes out?? Well for me, I still think that they are to bland........... This match was like a colossus showcase with a mix of how boring the zerg is to play with.
I accept with information:The strategy that the teams used was also very different and worked or didn't work. One team turtled with eachother, and the other went for a more rushy strat.
Do you know of some higher quality videos? The grainy stuff is not as impressive as it could be. Eric