Heya; I've got a question concerning the SC1 campaign editor. I was wondering how you can 'force' a unit to use its special ability. i.e. Condition: always action: force vulture to use spider mine at location x -or- force queen to use spawn broodling at location x you get the idea... So far ive tried using AI scripts but they wont do the job either. Help would be appreciated!
I should have been more specific. In the current model i need the Zerg Queen to use spawn broodlings, or to parasite a unit. Ive already set it so that these are both researched. through testing ive noticed that the AI will not use them straight away (ex. a map with only one marine and queen (and hatchery etc.), the queen will not do anything)
Does it have enough mana? They only spawn with 75 and require 150... Been so long since I messed with any of these triggers... Another option would be to just spawn the Broodlings themselves but I assume you're trying to design an AI that will play SC against a human?
Thanks for the help. I have found a way (workaround) though, for anyone interested: Player 1: Human - Terran Player 2: Computer - Zerg For Player 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Condition: - Always Action: - Center location labeled 'randomname' on Terran Marine owned by Player 1 at 'Anywhere' - Preserve Trigger -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Condition: - Elapsed Scenario time is exactly 5 seconds Action: - Create 2 Zerg Broodlings at location 'kill' for Player 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Condition: - Player 2 brings exactly 2 Zerg Broodlings to 'kill' Action: - Kill 1 Terran Marine for Player 1 at 'kill' - Preserve Trigger Now I need to find a way for instead of killing a marine when x game seconds have passed, kill a marine every x seconds..
Yeah there you go. Only problem is you won't have the attack animation for the Queen but it gets the job done. I still think you should've tried tweaking the Queen's spawn mana... that's something I would overlook.
I have already tried with mana set to 100% and the abilities researched, won't work. For not having the animation: I'm simply triggering that when the first 'death' occurs, three queens fly over. So you'll be like 'oh - that's what happened'. (I suppose)
LOL (I suppose) That's interesting. Doesn't attack... I can't remember but isn't there a spawn command that issues an "attack-move" command? I'll do some googling and get back to u.
There is such a command (order: attck, move, patrol) - but the problem is; Attack is defined as the basic damage a unit does. For ex. if you order attack a high templar, it will use its useless 'normal' damage attack, not psi-storm. If you order attack a unit which technically can't attack (science vessel, queen, arbiter) it will just move there.