I just finished the bonus mission again in SC1. And listened to the speech where Duran says he created the hybrid and that he is thousands of years old and there is a greater power as well. My question is: Is any of this going to follow through into SC2? I'm not sure if this has been answered or not yet. I know they won't be any individual races to play as. But lore wise. Will it make up part of the SC2 story?
It has been mentioned many times before. Its generally accepted that the hybrids duran is talking about will be a major part of the SC2 plot since they are also linked in with the Xel'Naga
Im not so sure where, but i read that the devs were thinking of adding the xel naga as a playable race on a expansion. That was way before they announced the triology tho, so Im not really sure now
Since SC left off there I bet SC2 would revolve around them, and I bet we'll probrably be able to play as them in the campaign kind of like the naga in WC3.
Hybrids have been spoken of in books and in artwork.. so it's safe to say they'll be a key part of the story.
I remember reading that interview. Blizzard said they were considering adding a new race in an expansion. They didn't actually say it would be the Xel' Naga though. Could be the hyvrids or even something new. Considering the announcement of the trilogy I wold venture that we may indeed see something of this "new" race years from now when the protoss box is out. Try a search, there was a lot of speculation when the interview was first released. Some people thought it might be this race of armless telepathic lizards seen in one Blizzard artists online profile of personal work.