SC 2 Doodad Competion

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Trooper_Lozer, Jan 31, 2008.

SC 2 Doodad Competion

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Trooper_Lozer, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I wanted to ask if any of the members from this VERY creative community have any ideas for some cool and funny SC 2 doodads. Bassicly just post your ideas on whatever it is you think may be a cool or funny extra for starcraft. Their are a couple of interesting ones in the following link to help give you ideas. :thumbup:;topicseen#new

    To make this even better, try and make a paint or something and post it here so others can see what your doodad could look like. Thanks alot! Looking forward to see some very cool stuff here. ;D

    I would also like to start a monthly doodad competition that would begin to take place in february. So if you would like to join, or just want to show some ideas please go ahead! More details on any Doodad competition will be sure to follow.
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    i like to create some doodads so im joining. but is this still on? how about starting it on march.
  3. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    ya zeratful, sorry i have not been on the forums much. but ill definitely start this. But does anyone else want to join? cause u seem to be the only one... I think the entre fee will be 100 minerals for the frist doodad, and 50 minerals for each doodad submited after that. As for prizes go, depending on how much money i raise, i will try and find some suitable pets and other rewards that shall be handed out. So for now, please pm me with ur submition, and a doodad. thanks!