Say what you want

Discussion in 'Clan Empire' started by Shadow[E], Feb 25, 2009.

Say what you want

Discussion in 'Clan Empire' started by Shadow[E], Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] I dont even know why shadow has something to say
    [17:37:02] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] but we never had a say mate
    [17:37:03] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] in the clan
    [17:37:04] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] -.-
    [17:37:04] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] u prove my point
    [17:37:07] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] you can talk to shadow and have me come in and ill see what can be done
    [17:37:19] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] shadow
    [17:37:22] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] is the founder and leader
    [17:37:25] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] for 5 years
    [17:37:25] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] yes but
    [17:37:27] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] so?
    [17:37:27] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] there is a point
    [17:37:30] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] where when u do nothing
    [17:37:34] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] exactly
    [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] u have to give leadership
    [17:37:38] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] I playu 40 hours a week
    [17:37:39] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] Shadowd oes nothing?
    [17:37:39] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] he is barely on
    [17:37:43] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] and see him like 1 time per week
    [17:37:46] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] we play 4-5 hrs every day
    [17:37:47] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] are u kidding me he is on every day
    [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] mate, it's us guys making emp big
    [17:38:05] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] all u need to wise up as to what shadow does in the background. he doesnt game but he does more then u know
    [17:38:09] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] but only like 4 minutes
    [17:38:12] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] TInk
    [17:38:14] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] ive had a clan
    [17:38:17] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] for 5 years
    [17:38:21] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] and seriously
    [17:38:24] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] u dont need to do much
    [17:38:25] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] lol
    [17:38:30] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] laka
    [17:38:32] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] well i dont care about shadow
    Josh06901 (6:01:30 PM): 17:38:40] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] im saying
    [17:38:41] (0) [Lakaniss[E]@USEast] its useless
    [17:38:45] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] but come on cow
    [17:38:49] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] if he is fair
    [17:38:49] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] a 15
    [17:38:56] (0) [jakNcoke[E]@USEast] then he will let the clan have a say
    [17:38:56] (0) [PhantomSlay[E]r@USEast] who act like a kid
    [17:38:57] (0) [TiNK[E]@USEast] Zlot
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  2. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    You don't care?
  3. Weird0ne[E]

    Weird0ne[E] New Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I hope all the clan members know this forum board is PAYED for.
  4. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I do know that.

    What does that have to do with this thread though?
  5. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    oh boy if i were to say wut i wanted yujin oh u know how long this post would be and how many *********** there would be so ill just sum my feelings up with :mad: to all of u this is one of the reason why cow gets very angered very very very VERY VERY VERY VERY ANGERED (see weird0nes thread about wut he did to his wall scroll till u see wut i did to my key)
  6. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    Who made the website out of nothing? Was it any of you? Who pays for the website with his own money? Who deals with forums? Who ccreated the clan? Who keeps the channel open? Who founded the clan? Who gives good members ample chances when they deserve it? Who keeps morons out who betraying the clan? Who has kept the clan alive for 5 years?

    Please, if you have answers, i would like to hear them.

    @Jak and Lak and Phantom

    None of you can appreciate what I have already done. You think the website was magically done by some fairy? You think the forums were placed in our laps? You think the ClanEmpire.Net was a gift from heaven? You think the channel was a place i made with a snap of a finger? You think the clan itself survived longer than other clans becuase clans just do?

    If you guys think for a second that I do nothing, you are sadly mistaken. I will never ever not give credit where it is due. You guys, you GAMERS are the life of the clan, I wont dispute that. Thats why on the website there is 2... count them again, 2 administrations. The Gaming administration and my administration.

    Why should i get the flame when its alot of the upper's decision, not just mine. The clan survives off of learned lessons, off of History and passed debates. U think the rules popped out my 4sshole? Those rules were the most effective and fair compared to passed rules and regs.


    U say you never had a say. Are you kidding me? Trigga stayed longer than he was supposed to becuase i listened to him, phantom and other people. Dont say things you are ignorant of.


    I Have a say in this becuase his actions affect... i say again, AFFECT the clan and me. If he pisses off others, who do the pissed off ones go to? Me, thats right. Not you, or Jak, or Phantom.


    You talk about not caring about me? I had strong interest in you taking up the next big position since you were very active and respectful. But this is the thanks i get?

    All i get from you guys is a big F.uck you in the face. All for one ex. member that had way to many chances. Dont hide it, say it. You guys got a problem with the way i run the clan, than speak up. Things change when you speak up, not hide like little girls.

    Cow is a good leader, every leader has his flaws, you guys dont know the effort he has put in. Tink will even vouch, Cow has done things that impacted the way we do our clan.

    If you guys have something to say, now is the time to say it.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  7. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    in a glass case of emotion
    Jakncoke is a big instegator and Laka has a big mouth. They both needed to wise up cause the ignorance that was commin out of them.. i couldnt even keep up so I had to move to op Tink[E].

    They remind me of Americans today who still believe 9/11 was a terrorist hijacking. Pure ignorance for no falt but their own. Ontop of them both trying to push for trigga to return, saying they "make clan E". And as I reminded tried to remind a new recruit, recruited by Laka that the profile is a rule. Jak and Laka both said its ok do what you want and that "rank got to my head". R you effin kidding me? w/e

    EDIT** Add to shadows post

    Like I told you guys, shadow does way more in the background then you will ever acknowledge or understand. Same goes for even 2can, who in the past people said the same thing.. and they had No idea the forums(outside this), clans, web updates and recruiting he did.

    I dont recall any of you when we had a dry spell over the summer with players and people on bnet in general. For members who have only been in E for 2-4 weeks TOPS, you sure do know a whole lot.

    And sorry Laka if you feel leading a clan for 5 years gives you knowledge. You can go to school your hole damn life and still be a complete idiot.. so wtf does running a clan mean? obviously jack.

    For Phantom. I just want to say that when me 2can shadow and weeman, decided to keep trigga before he was banned for the last time, it was shadow who said, because Zlot is such a good member and he feels so strongly about it, I will give trigga another chance. That was Shadows motive from what I could tell. And I already told zlot this in Op Tink[E], but the 1 year I have been here I have never seen such patents with a members such as trigga. Granted Liquid was BM, but he knew his limits amd never had a member leave over it. He was a senior member and we chose trigga over him. Ontop of the chances he blew, which have been repeatively explained and is a ****in closed case.

    And Cow has definately impacted E, i can vouche because i was fighting him all the way :D
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  8. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    And another thing, Maybe you guys should read the website and look at the Chain of Command for once, you might learn something new.
  9. weeman[E]

    weeman[E] New Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    gillespie illinois truely speechless because of these ignorant ****s who are they to say ANYTHING what they been in the clan for MAYBE 2-3 months? wow =/
  10. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    no no yujin like they told me they are gamers and the heart of the clan they dont need to read the site thats not why they are here they are here to do wut they want correct? cuz apperntly i just make **** up when i follow the rules and apprently im a complete douchebag for following them and HOW DARE ME take hours out of my day to sit in a private channel and let yall cus me out and then tell me what u want me to do to make you happy and even better I DO IT and ur still not happy wut u want? ****ing cookie u want a hug u want me to deem u God

    p ****ing s if i seem angered its prbly cuz i am =/

    to answer ur questions yujin i think u made site, for the website i think it was either u or chris last time and next time if u remind me it will be me paying for it unless u just want the money now, oh boy do u deal with more then the forums,u created the clan u tink carl kil tony and myself keep the channel open and protected 24.7 . YOU HAVE GIVEN SO MANY SCUM BAGS SO MANY CHANCES IT IS BEYOND ME YUJIN I DONT KNOW HOW U CAN DO IT... u keep bsers out for real and u have kept the clan alive for 5 years with the passing and going of new memebers new admin new prbs the fact that this clan has been around for 5 str8 years... without any major breaks in it is wow... look at uF civil war over there look at other channels with like 5 memebers....if i knew about E when i first joined bnet id be a five year memeber deff ive been around since 1999 and ive never seen a better clan... and to zlot just so u know buddy i have currently 3 years exp being a co-commander 1 year being general (rank under co commander) and 1 year being a founder of a clan... ive not only helped this clan out but ive helped other clans and to this day i still help other clans... as a trusted ops holder of at one point 4 different clan channels. so yes if ud like to say how bad of a job a do u can go to all the clans that i had those ranks in and call the leaders foolish as well as to yujin for giving me those ranks and letting me keep them.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  11. z[E]alotwarrior

    z[E]alotwarrior New Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    shadow i do not knw who gave u log but they completely edit n took wat i said out of content when i said i dont care about shadow i meant it about wat jack was saying about u not be on i also went on to say shadow a gud leader n wize and i think tink could back me up and about the other coment were i say u prove my point is lakanis just join the channel n i was having a convesation with evan about how no ones knw the channel exist were he comes in and say i dint even knw we had a back up
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009
  12. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    in a glass case of emotion
    o rofl i knew the backup was there.. i said i never knew i didnt have access in it. Lol

    ya wut phantom said was outof context. below you can see, he said shadow is awsome but didnt care because his concern was cow.

    [5:38:31 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> well i dont care about shadow
    [5:38:33 PM] <TiNK[E]> i didnt say u NEEDED to
    [5:38:36 PM] <TiNK[E]> i said he DOES
    [5:38:37 PM] <TiNK[E]> alot
    [5:38:38 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> he is fair and wize
    [5:38:39 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> im saying
    [5:38:41 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> its useless
    [5:38:44 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> but come on cow
    [5:38:48 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> if he is fair
    [5:38:48 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> a 15
    [5:38:55 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> then he will let the clan have a say
    [5:38:55 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> who act like a kid
  13. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    zealot he doesnt know because he doesnt give a damn to bother to know **** about his clan... rofl and i didnt edit that if u read all the posts i think ull see tink posted one? i simply copied those logs off of my nF in that channel and pasted them to an IM to yujin and he took those IMs and pasted them here so plz once again spread ur lies thats all u seem to be good at
  14. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    Zlot, Sorry for going at you like that.

    But now you know where im coming from.
  15. z[E]alotwarrior

    z[E]alotwarrior New Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    exacly next time post the entire thing and mind u business see thats my problem with u dont game n u stop the rest of us from gamming. just exaclyt as u said u stay by ur computer day in n day out doing nothing but annoying us gamer. dude get a life if ur not playing u dont need to be on bnet starting promblem. The caln was doing find with out i mean all these promblem started when u arrive.

    AND thank you tink for clearing up the misunderstanding and i also would like to add i did call jack childish because i told him thats not the way to get things done and shadow i have nothing but the upmost respect 4 you im sorry u took wat i said out of contents
  16. TiNK[E]

    TiNK[E] New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    in a glass case of emotion
    uhm.. and just to point out that log is missing some lines.. as u already see from my post under zlots above but here is the log i had.

    [5:37:01 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> I dont even know why shadow has something to say
    [5:37:02 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> but we never had a say mate
    [5:37:03 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> in the clan
    [5:37:03 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> -.-
    [5:37:03 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> u prove my point
    [5:37:06 PM] <TiNK[E]> you can talk to shadow and have me come in and ill see what can be done
    [5:37:18 PM] <TiNK[E]> shadow
    [5:37:22 PM] <TiNK[E]> is the founder and leader
    [5:37:24 PM] <TiNK[E]> for 5 years
    [5:37:25 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> yes but
    [5:37:27 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> so?
    [5:37:27 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> there is a point
    [5:37:29 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> where when u do nothing
    [5:37:33 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> exactly
    [5:37:33 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> u have to give leadership
    [5:37:37 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> I playu 40 hours a week
    [5:37:38 PM] <TiNK[E]> Shadowd oes nothing?
    [5:37:38 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> he is barely on
    [5:37:43 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> and see him like 1 time per week
    [5:37:46 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> we play 4-5 hrs every day
    [5:37:46 PM] <TiNK[E]> are u kidding me he is on every day
    [5:37:59 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> he is on wevery day
    [5:38:00 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> mate, it's us guys making emp big
    [5:38:04 PM] <TiNK[E]> all u need to wise up as to what shadow does in the background. he doesnt game but he does more then u know
    [5:38:08 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> but only like 4 minutes
    [5:38:12 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> TInk
    [5:38:14 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> ive had a clan
    [5:38:17 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> for 5 years
    [5:38:20 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> and seriously
    [5:38:23 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> u dont need to do much
    [5:38:24 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> lol
    [5:38:29 PM] <TiNK[E]> laka
    [5:38:31 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> well i dont care about shadow
    [5:38:33 PM] <TiNK[E]> i didnt say u NEEDED to
    [5:38:36 PM] <TiNK[E]> i said he DOES
    [5:38:37 PM] <TiNK[E]> alot
    [5:38:38 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> he is fair and wize
    [5:38:39 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> im saying
    [5:38:41 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> its useless
    [5:38:44 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> but come on cow
    [5:38:48 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> if he is fair
    [5:38:48 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> a 15
    [5:38:55 PM] <jakNcoke[E]> then he will let the clan have a say
    [5:38:55 PM] <PhantomSlay[E]r> who act like a kid
    [5:38:56 PM] <TiNK[E]> Zlot
    [5:38:59 PM] <Lakaniss[E]> trigga is a **** anyway
    [5:39:03 PM] <TiNK[E]> come to channel
    [5:39:06 PM] <TiNK[E]> op tink[e]
  17. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    Im sorry for taking it out of context as well.

    Understand where im coming from now.

    You have to understand that it wasnt just me who did this to trigga, it was a clan decision. And i still expect great things from you zlot, one way or the other, if your challenging me on my decision, you should have grounds to do that, not just cuase trigga is your friend. Same goes for Jak n Lak, just cuase he games with them doesnt mean jack squat.

    I dont make **** happen cuase i think its the best thing, i do what a majority of the clan wants. If its beneficial, we make it happen, if its crap, its trashed.
  18. z[E]alotwarrior

    z[E]alotwarrior New Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    and that u prove my point has something to do with wat i want to ask u shadow not with wat laka said. and i do have a propasition 4 you with a point
  19. weeman[E]

    weeman[E] New Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    gillespie illinois
    TBH i have had problems with laka and jak telling new members they recruit they dont have to do what we ask and dont have to do there profiles =/ its rlly annoying. jak keeps telling me my rank went to my head when all i did was ask him to fix his profile :[
  20. z[E]alotwarrior

    z[E]alotwarrior New Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    i dont want to inpose on that weeman but there no rule about profile the only rule is all sc menber must wear E tag

    but on more inportant note thnx u 2can and shadow promise u wont hear from me ever again