it appeared to me that race's are weak against themselves, meaning that special abilities are less effective against their own race, ill give an example immortal: shields by battlecruiser, siege tank, nuke, ultralisk, succubus, baneling and stalker(reaver got axed, i heard
Well based on this thread, if you fight in same race for example youre using the PROTOSS RACE, well, if you defeat your enemy, it means that you are good in controling the race and you mastered it because in that battle no more no less just same ability same units
You are right and it is still tough fighting against a same race in SC as well! and JulyZerg (a Korean zerg player) is not good against same race vs same race But i do agree with your point
they'll likely make units more useful against the same race in balacing, plus, theres still a bunch of units to come out.
yes it really tests a player, if they can beat a player of equal strength at the game, unless you get really lucky.
The abilities are not always as useful as at fighting against other species. For example a dark templar rush against an other protoss sucks.. Siege tanks vs siege tanks are also not the best, ect..
Yeah I know it sucks. But the enemy's attack sucks too, so both are even. Its not HARD is just completely even. Also, its great because the forces are so equal that what starts to matter is the strategies and tactics a lot more. Like reaver drops and using observers. Ive beaten some other protoss users using protoss myself with techniques that dont work with the other two races. So in the end there are a lot of cool strategies. As an example: Flying a probe to an enemy expansion hill and placing cannons there to shoot the workers below. A terran player can take them out easily with tanks, and a zerg can use mutalisks (zergs fighting protoss tend to go for mutas, not lurks). But the protoss cant do nothing unless he has shuttles and a lot of infantry to take them out. And before they reach the cannons they would have already killed many probes) and can even be shot down. So you see, there are still techniques to compensate the lack of effectiveness of the other units against their own race.
I was playin a LAN with my bro last night, we were teamed (Cause we're awesome)....I was Zerg, he was Terran, we were against two of each of those. The Terran oppenant were quite difficult for me to beat, but I utterly destroyed the Zerg. Vice versa for my bro. ZvZ is really a good example. The have high attack, but low health/armor. So, they suck against Zerg. Very bloody battles.
actually same race vs same race results to who ever has better micro/macro and who ever has stronger attacks or bigger army
I dont think micro will play as a big a role in same race vs race as it would with different race vs race. The reason is becasue in general, the tech trees for a race are much more diverse now. And two players of a different race may decide to go two very different tech tree paths that will have a profound difference on the outcome. Like, someone might go for reapers, and another players might decide to build Vikings. These choices will make same race vs race more about macro, and rock/paper/scissor dynamic than micro. ...
Use a different build. People who don't recon rarely win, and it gives more incentive to choose the units to take down protoss v. protoss.