As a terran player, I cannot seem to counter a full out marine rush from another terran player. I scout, go for the typical 2-3 barracks and go for half marauder and marine army comp. But the time it takes to tech plus the increased wait time of the marauder tech whilst my opponent goes for the reactor and is pumping marines like crazy, by the time i am at a good 4 unit army, im swarmed by 8 or 10 marines and cant stop them. Even with full scouting, which is hard because marines are the best tier 1 unit, as they can kill SCV scouts fast, how do i counter the triple rax marine reactor rush? Any Ideas?
Do you wall off your choke? You could also put down a bunker and have a couple SCVs repair it. Or simply skip Marauders at the start of the game.
Biggest thing is knowing where they are coming from. You can usually thin out his army before he even gets to your ramp if you position your army to be able to shoot as he marches over there. Also, make sure you are blocking off your ramp. It forces him to funnel in, and you can have your infantry spread out, and you will not only have more people shooting at him, but he will have less shooting at you trying to destroy either your barracks or supply depot to get in.
Rush siege tanks. I wish someone would try to 3 reactor rush me they would get ****ed up. Then from there just do M&M + ST, or rush banshees, or get armory for Thor.
If you scout and find out they're going for mass marines, counter it with marines. Since they're going for a rush and you have the advantage of being on the higher ground, missing 1 or 2 marines won't matter. And stay with 2 barracks as 3rd barrack is useless when they're rushing.
I don't see mass marines very much, but I would suggest starting with reapers and a bunker if you fear a rush, this will put you in good position with lots of minerals for an early expansion and even 1 reaper in a bunker will easily rip up quite a few marines, 4 would probably be able to take 12 or more marines without even repairing. If the rush doesn't come you are in excellent position to go harass their workers and get an all important second scout of what they are up to without having to waste your scan. I would not suggest building more then 4 as they are gas intensive and ineffective against armored units and you will really need that gas for your mech/air. You will also be in a good position to counter another terran who is going reapers. (I would actually suggest sticking with 3 as this optimally allows you to kill a worker with 1 shot from each and you can get 2 from first rax and 1 from second rax).