So my phone rings, and after wiping a good portion of this guy's fail 4gate push with immortals and 3 gate, i said, hey brb phone, and he naturally says kk.... I come back to a mostly dead base and while i kill his units it doesn't matter, I can't rebuild in time. I ask him, wtf? did it unpause? and he said Nope. So i said, you unpaused it? after agreeing with the pause? (assuming this is what kk meant), and he said "Don't have time to play don't play scrub". The fact that he calls me a scrub and believes that I can predict when people are going to call me is amazing, and the fact that I was less than a minute gives no reason for him to unpause unfairly and cost me a game that i was winning... does Blizzard care about this? or is it up to the player to wait for the pause with no consequence from blizzard if i send the replay with the chat etc. so they too can see that he agreed to pause but still unpaused without warning of doing so.
Well i have a phone next to me so typically i play while on the phone...once i was sure i was gonna lose due to the distraction so i just attacked them with my whole army...and won Oo In my opinion it is the responsibility of whoever is playing to not have to afk. It is unfair on the other player as this may then push them into needing to go afk later. What i hate is people who afk without saying anything...i normally wait a minute unpause and get shouted at. If they ask can we pause i agree and wait though. Don't waste Blizzard's time with is the internet and alot of people out there are stupid assholes (or are just having a bad day). One of the skills of SC is adapting to this and not having distractions either .
Well i dont have much trouble with that... but that guy was just an idiot i think when someone pauses you would atleast wait a minute or something before unpausing but other than that i dont think you could do anything else than just unpausing
Whether it's a 1v1 or team match I find that the shorter the game is, the less tolerant people will be of you going AFK. I generally don't trust my opponent to leave the game paused in 1v1 matches, unless we've been going at it for more than 40 minutes. Team games are a little safer because of shared control, but there's still a risk. Whatever the match type, I always ask the other player(s) if they'd mind me pausing the game to go AFK for a sec. I only ask if it's something I can't ignore like the phone ringing or someone knocking on my door. If the game is still paused when I get back, I thank the player(s) for their patience before getting back to playing.
mate, sc2 is more important than a phone call. Why did you go pick up the phone...i dont. i just call em back after i finish the game. if its something extremely important, tahts for you to decide. Its either lose the game and pick up this important call, or win the game and lose this important call. Blizzard wont do anything about this, i dont think they can please everyone.
Next time, talk next to ur comp. i play while talking on phone, usually this reallly gets me in trouble with the person im talking to. and i get pwnd >.>
You have no right and your opponent has no obligation to let you pause the game. If you have to pause the game, for whatever reason (drank too much beer before sitting down, cat is on fire, grandma just died, SWAT is raiding your house, etc), you are at the tender mercies of your opponent, and rightly so. That said, that guy was a total ***. Not so much for agreeing to the pause when he had no intention of doing so (which is perhaps a bit lame and definitely desperate), but for acting the way he did after.
Lol I agree I hate when they pause without asking. I generally say 60 sec. then give a 15 sec warning before unpausing. I think it would be pretty easy for Blizzard to implement a 60 sec pause timer like in HON where you can pause and after 60 sec any player can unpause. Other team mates can pause again if you're not bk and you get 3 pauses per game (maybe less in this.. 2 ?) 1v1 could have a repause option = 2min pause.
If they set a pause duration they'd need to NOT let people pause back to back. The ****s who do that just because they are getting creamed are annoying enough already.
The guy should have had some vague form of gaming etiquette to keep the game paused, or pause it himself if your pause ran out. Anything has priority over video games, guys.
See, to me that misses the point. Your time does not have priority over my time. Especially for something as stupid as a video game.
I think that people should respect pausing. I don't agree with the wasted time argument for a couple of reasons: 1)When you sit for a game it's not like you have 10 min available and rush it to end. You can't predict if it'll last 5, 10 or 50 minutes so you either queue for a game when you have free time or you don't have time and either don't queue for a game or are prepared to surrender and lose at the 10-15min mark if your all-in won't work. 2)if you unpause when your opponent asks you to wait for a couple of minutes then it's just rude and stupid. Chances are you have time for a game unless we are at the part 2 of the previous argument. If you think you're wasting your time waiting unpausing and taking a free win is like playing against very easy AI. It's still wasted time and it won't give you the satisfaction of an earned win so why do that? If you truly respect your time and don't want to waste it, if your opponent goes AFK for 2 minutes instead of unpausing have the balls to give them a free victory instead and queue for another game so you don't spend time waiting. I've only had a lengthy pause once when my opponent's son woke up and he had to put him to bed again, so I told him to message me when back as I'll grab a cup of coffee. I did so, he came back, asked if I was back again, waited for me to confirm before going on. His son woke up again 5minutes later, so he said sorry and gave me the match. That's what i consider an honest play. if it'd taken him too long and I got too bored or had to go I'd just surrender. I despise people who whack at afk-players for an easy win. Even if the pause is without a warning. The other guy on the other side of the internet is human too. He may have an emergency iRL, the only thing he needs is a jerk on the other side of the line who wants an easy win.
Exactly, if you aren't prepared to surrender then you shouldn't start a game. I usually try to make sure I have enough time to fit in a game, but sometimes I don't and that's my loss. You're making a presumption that the opponent is asking for time. If someone asks for a couple of minutes, I'll probably give them that (though there are exceptions....such as if I'm in the middle of creaming them and need to leave in 5 minutes). However, I find that most of the time opponents pause they do not ask or explain. In fact, if you want to be really technical then more often than not they are pausing to be rude and stupid, not because of an emergency. As for why do it, it depends. The biggest reason is so I can get started on another game. But also, if the game's outcome is already a fairly foregone conclusion, then you're just wasting time anyway---it will be like playing easy AI whether you wait or not. Finally, doing something is infinitely better than twiddling your thumbs doing nothing, especially when you don't know if the opponent is going to be gone 2 minutes or 10 minutes. Giving people a free victory wouldn't be so bad, but I don't exactly play 1v1 custom much, which is about the only situation where I think that would be appropriate. I don't even know if you CAN pause in rated matches, but I'm certainly not going to feed someone points for their own emergency, nor am I going to bail on my partners in custom games if it isn't necessary. I think you're confusing the motivation. It's not the win that is relevant (at least to me). It's mostly about the downtime, which I want no part of. If you have a RL emergency then you deal with it. If losing because an opponent won't wait on a pause bothers someone so much, they ought to re-evaluate their priorities.