Hi, I wanted to start a RPG, but I would avoid being to much like WOW RPG, so I chosen one main battle, but I think I shuld start describing. For you playing WOW, you might understand it a bit better. Intrelude: Drek'Thars view: The Frostwolf Clan, a honourble orc clan, have in long time lived in Alterac Valley, but now, The Stormspike Expedition, have begun to dig in blessed caverns and sacred hills...... Stormspikes view: The Stormspike Expediton, a league of dwarven explorers and crafters, have settled in Alterac Valley, but have now been forced into a fight againts The Frostwolf Clan, who have disturbed their expediton................. Now, you <Name>, Most help your allies in this war. Describtion: In the north of the valley is the Horde Territory. In the south of the valley is the Alliance Terretory. In the west is a Horde outpost, were Horde players can hire an NPC version of Orc Warrior, Troll Hunter, Tauren Shaman, Undead Rouge and Blood Elf paladin. In the east is a Alliance Outpost were you can hire NPC versions of Dwarven Warrior, Night Elf Hunter, Dreanei Shaman, Gnome Rouge and Human Paladin. In the centre of the valley is a neutral town, there is Horde only on the left side, and Alliance only on the right side, and a tavern in the centre of town, were you'll be punished if you fight. Note: The neutral town isn't realy in the game, but it's nice to have one. Rules: 1. No godmodding. 2. There is nothing like lvls, that is boring, we're all just as good as another. 3. No creature does drop something insane, like a wolf dropping an axe, example: a grunt only drops an axe, his armour, and/or an helmet, nothing like a grunt carying a gun. 4. Describe where you are, example: Zul'Thar awakened after a yeti knocking him out, he was in a cave, water dripping from the roof, and the skin form an snow wolf was hanging on the wall right to him. 5. Unlike the game, you can have "personal allies" like an Tauren being freind with a dreanei. 6. Don't fight at the tavern. 7. Talk in 3. person. Alignements: Purely Good. Good. Neutral(Only NPC's!). Evil. Chaos Evil. Races and Classes. Horde: Orc: Warrior, Shaman, Warlock, Hunter, Rouge. Troll: warrior Shaman, Priest, Hunter, Rouge. Tauren: Warrior, Shaman, Druid, Hunter. Forsaken: Warrior, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Rouge. Blood Elf: Paladin, Mage, Priest, Rouge. Alliance: Human: Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Rouge. Dwarf: Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Rouge, Hunter. Gnome: Warrior, Mage, Warlock, Rouge. Night Elf: Warrior, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Rouge. Dreanei: Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Hunter. Character Bio Example(The example is my character). Name (Needed): Brandor Surname/Nickname (Opotional): Sharpgun. Race (Needed): Dwarf. Gender (Needed): Male. Class (Needed): Hunter. Weapon: Gun and an axe. Heigth (Opotional): 3.5 feet. Hair Colour (If any hair): Red/Orange. Beard (Note, that this is lenght, not colour): Down to his belt Personality (Needed): Freindly, can willingly sacrifice himself to save his freinds. Alignement (Needed): Purely Good. Startpoint (Needed): In the southern wilderness of the valley. Pet Bio Example: Name: Ursia. Race: Bear. Gender: Female. Fur colour: white. Heigth (Opotional): On 2 legs: 5.6, on 4 legs: 3.5 feet. Lenght (Opotional): As long as car ( like the cars in 1990). Starting, please start in a manner like this: It was late at night... Brandor was in his camp, the camp was 3 tents placed in a circle around a campfire, with a palisade around, 3 crates was in the camp, one contained ammo for a gun, and the other contained mining stuff, like pickaxes and smithing stuff like smith-hammers. The third contained supplies, like food. Because this isn't just an example I continue in this post instead of contiune in another. He had 2 fellow dwarves with him, and a polar bear. His fellow dwarves was 2 warrior who had followed Brandor trough many battles, Their names was Tyrgas Trollcleaver and Bandis Forgefire. His pet was Ursia, a big white polar bear, with an annoying taste for honey and snored like a pig:laugh: Then he heard something, drums, the high mountains made the drums sound like thunder. Brandor cryed out "Watch ya'r back, I recognice those drums! IT'S THA' ORCS!" "LET EM' COME!" Tyrgas cryed back. Then, a large gang of orcs came over the a nearby hill. The dwarves took with them their weapons, and ran in the direction of the neutral city. Then they was ambushed by Frostmane Trolls, and had to fight their way to the last hill before they'd reach the town, but then Brandor passed out, and Tyrgas and Bandis had to drag him, to the town......
Erm, I don't want to spoil the fun by interrupting your story, but this is a StarCraft fansite... Why not choose a StarCraft theme? I'm pretty sure that more people would be interested in participating with such a theme. At least I would like to join in if it would be a StarCraft themed RPG (or a board war, those are even better).
I agree with ijffdrie, this alignment system doesn't work with WoW I might join but I still don't quite know what's going on
Name (Needed): Jiffdrie Surname/Nickname (Optional): HellSpawn Race (Needed): Blood Elf Gender (Needed): Female( most of my chars are females) Class (Needed): Warlock Weapon: staff and arcane wand Heigth (Opotional): 1m95 Hair Colour (If any hair): red Personality (Needed): Efficient and cool Alignement (Needed): Chaos Evil Startpoint (Needed): Horde Base ill st art working on a background