Are people still doing this? Or did it die? Havn't seen it anywhere in the forums, was thinking it'd be a good idea to get back into it and get ma skillz back. xD
Sucks. D: I went in way back when you help people out and now when I go back I'ma be the nub being helped. xD I used to be high plat player now I'm just Silver-Gold. S#it is sad. xD
Actually Road to Diamond is pretty much still around. However, it isn't as active as it used to be. Nowadays only the SEA players are still active on the Facebook group "Road to Diamond". So if you have an NA or SEA account I'm pretty sure there will be people to help you with your games.
Yeah, I'm an NA player. Still have like 40 of the members from the very beggining of the group on my friends list but I don't wanna randomly message them. xD