Did anyone play Rise of Legends? What is it like? Should I buy it? When was it released? EDIT: LOL at the pictures
I bought this game a few weeks ago and I finished it last saturday. It's quite a creative game with many cool units and abilities, but I think they have stolen/borrowed alot from Starcraft. The Vinci are very steampunk with musketeers, clockwork robots and helicopters; the magical Alin can summon forth many inexpensive troops like the zerg; and the alien high-tech Cuotl have powerful and expencive units with shields. Campaign/Story The campaigns are ok, some missions are insanely difficult and many are just filler between the important story bits. If you've seen the intro cinematic you know what you'll get, the "story" was very predictable (I thought at least) Multiplayer I haven't tried it yet so I can't say anything about it... Probably okay. Graphics/Sound The cinematics are nice and so are the units. Maybe not top of the line but they're detailed enough. The sounds and musical themes are nice. I hade a bit of problems with my sound card so I hade to turn them of occasionly. Gameplay It uses a system like Rock-Paper-Scissors. Diffrent units have diffents counters so you can't mass one type of troop and expect to win. The resources are simple, you just have two. The upgrades are a bit diffrent. The Vinci upgrade to get more units but the Alin have all the units from the beginning and upgrade to make them better. I LOVE the auto-explore button on the units, exploration is very important in the beginning. There are lots of bonus resources of find and neutral camp you can convert to fight for you. The pathfinding AI for the unit could have been better. They get stuck alot... Final Recommendation If you can find it cheep somewhere then maybe... I don't think you really get that much for your money and the minimum requirement are high for what it gives you... I haven't play multiplayer or tried to make my own scenarios yet, I hope those things will raise my oppinion of the game in the future... Sorry it took so long. I feel like crap right now and I type very slow... Hope this helps.
Story? It has a story? But in all seriousness, the story is pretty much trash, especially the cut scenes. Other than that, it's really just starcraft with a twist on base building. Worth about 15 bucks. If you want a cheap RTS, go with Act of War.