Ok, I'm not sure if this really is a better strategy, or if I have just been luckily successful the past few times. In an early-mid game against Protoss where I have broken through their forces (maybe have 3-4 units of mine still standing, but they are building more from gateways)... is it better to rush to the mineral patch to stifle the economy or target every possible pylon you can before their counter force is produced? I've been having much better luck with the pylons. 3-4 Mauraders can rip through pylons pretty quickly.
There are a few issues you should consider - did your initial attack leave leave quite a few structures battered and bruised? Are the units you're left with suited to destroying Armored targets, or Light? IMO the mineral line is usually the best thing to attack after forcing one's way into the opponent's base. Destroying Pylons (and supply blocking in general) really only works when your attack force is of a generous size, and can retreat quickly if things go sour.
Well, if you're 100% sure they have no units left and will be unable to reinforce before you destroy them, I'd say go for the pylons. In all other cases go for workers.
it really depends on the situation. Early on in the game, it is all about the mineral line. That way, if your attack ultimately fails you leave your opponent staggering to catch up to you in terms of economy. Late in the game though, people just tend to have more money and more sources of money. But there are limited unit producing structures. If you enter an enemy base though and find a stargate with only 1 or 2 pylons, taking that out just limits your opponent more than hurting a single mineral line. If colloxen have you down, take out the robotics bay and you just bought yourself a great window of opportunity. Of course theres always going to be more to it than that so its probably best to just take it on a case-by-case basis
What I have been running into is a situation where I out micro my opponent to win the battle, and have maybe 3-4 Marauders, and 2-3 marines left (the amount varies, and they are all usually low health). I'm already mounting a second wave by this point, and so I take my remaining survivors and target the pylons. I can usually take out 2-3 pylons by the time their troops train.. and I'm usually getting my second wave mobilized by this point. I used to run my survivors to the mineral line, but I would only kill maybe 3-4 workers (because they would surround my low health survivors). This would then leave my second wave up against the units they train, and an only slightly disadvantaged economy. However, since I started focusing on pylons in these situations, I have seen evidence (anecdotal of course) that my results are more likely to tip the game in my favor, and ultimately secure an early-mid game win. My logic is the fact that a pylon costs what, 100 minerals? If they spend 200-400 minerals to rebuild the pylons (which they usually try to do frantically).. the instant effect on their economy is greater than taking 2-3 of their workers with that first wave. Not to mention the fact that some players don't place their pylons well, and destroying them renders some of their buildings unpowered. (I can't count on this happening, but I've gotten lucky several times.
Just my opinion, go after the minerals. It is a better down the line payoff, because not only are you collecting 50 minerals a worker, but its the time the workers would be on the line collecting minerals. I think you can kill a heck of a lot more Probes than you would Pylons, imo. 2-3 workers vs 2-4 pylons is a crazy radio, I bet you can get at least six or seven workers with the force you'd be left with. Don't let them surround you, its easy not to. Plus the time that they are off the line hurts them as well. Then use the time they are fixing there economy to mount up double on the troops, attack and win. I'm just throwing this out there everyone should do what they feel most comfortable doing.
It's a good question, un-powering their warpgates AND leaving them supply locked is so great. My instinct is that earlier in the game (early to mid) go for workers. If they have 3 bases or more, they can replenish their workers too quickly for it to matter too much, so consider supply locking them and then going for the kill.