It would be huge if it would be possible to watch replays in "first person" or what is should be called. I mean you watch a copy of the players screen and can watch the mouse movement ect. Would be really nice.
If I´m not wrong the only future added in warcraft 3 is some "Auto-Cam" option where it automaticly follow where it happens stuff. But in my opinion that one is really bad becouse all it dose is showing something else 30% of the time(space between the base and the troops) ^^
That's a pretty good idea. In addition, I think it would be crazy awesome if you could select a unit in a reply and watch the game from it's point of view. That would probably require better graphics though.
Yes a through the eyes would be nice it helpd you to kknow what the person is doing. One thing that would be nice also tha I haven't seen is if it would also show the player's cursor
This would make the game into a FPS. But it would be nice to have a TERRAN vs ZERGLINGS FPS though May be possible through Editor
How exactly would you do that? If you want a SC FPS mod BF or something. I am hoping that the hype for SC2 drives Blizzard into reviving Ghost. It looked so cool and fun
Check the map Boomstick from the Frontpage. FPS are possible, just a nightmare to programm.
This is the best idea I have heard in a while. A first-person replay mode would be so cool. Watch from a Zergling's perspective as it dashes into the enemy base...I wonder what that would be like with a Nydus Worm? And a copy of the player's screen and mouse movement would be such a good feature. The replay thing for SCI was so bad. You couldn't even tell who was allied with who. You had to figure it out.