So this one time my friend and I played a BattleNet game versus a couple of computers. It was a long game, with lots of battling across the whole map. In the end, we came out on top after having pulled a successful last assault. We saved the replay since the game was so good (and it'd be entertaining to watch). We then watched the replay, first fast-forwarding until the action. The computers did their usual rushes and defeated my forces... wait.... what??? The computers never eliminated one of us entirely - we had won the match! It made no sense. My question for you guys is - does this happen to you? You save a replay, but when you try to watch it an entirely different (wrong) chain of events happens. How does this problem even occur? It's like the AI takes over all of the players and actually replays the game.
I have for all the time I have played SC had one or two good, good being relative to sorts close, to what my actual in game experience was. So it is not an uncommon problem. Hopefully it will be button smashed out of existence in SC2.
lol i had that bug once or twice... i remember i specifically biuld an expasion and then beat the enemy...but in the didnt build the expansion...LOL =]
I guess the winner DOESN'T write history after all!!! But allow me to explain. The replay coding was done so that units in the replay are controlled in real time, so that you can see their health and other statistics. So, if there is a patch (for example), little changes in the units AI's (and possibly unit stats) can make the whole game go wrong. ...if you were curious.
shadowdragon is correct, basically the program completely re-plays (-.-) the game exactly how it was played originally, except that the program isn't completely accurate. Play a diplomacy gold 7.7 game online with another human player, then save a replay of it. Go in to single player and play the replay-only player 1 gets his units after choosing a country, and even then little of what he actually did happens. Now go back to multiplayer and watch the replay online. with the exact same amount of people as there were human players in the original game-sometimes it plays it out correctly.