I am new in Gold (as I since reset just played Protoss, due to beta soon running out) and after an 8-3 streak or so, I got matched up with a high Diamond lvl player. I didn't notice until after the match and I don't expect to win it. But I am curious as to what I can do vs his strategy. Watch the replay and help me comment on the unit choices and maneuvres. - I scouted a 3rd barracks going up, I believe it was -> I went for Collosus. - All gas went to that, so no anti air (prioritized Collo to attack "early"). - As I attacked, he had bunkered and turreted up at his expansion (Lost Temple). - Vikings was coming out just now, so I went stalkers. - Tanks was up, so I got some Immortals. - The Bio army was still there, so I had to preserve some Collosus. How do you deal with such a well-rounded army? Vikings and Turrets + stimmed marines for my Collosus, bio for my Immortals and bio and tanks for my stalkers and zealots? Unless he makes a mistake with his control of the units, it is very hard to get through. Is the only choice to walk around all the static defenses? (which is hard, when he presses it onto my base slowly). I have many areas to work on, before I get even near Diamond level, but I would like some help on this exact enemy: The Terran, using Vikings, Tanks and MMM. Thanks
I don't see the reason to have zealots in that army and think that you could have used the minerals on something else. Colossi are against bio, stalkers against vikings, immortals against tanks. Immortals are also good against buildings so I think you should have abandoned the zealot idea and went for a few sentries for their shields - they counter bio attacks best and somewhat well the vikings'. The other thing I'd try is since he had vikings, omit colossi and try to use high templar against infantry (as well as vikings when they land to contribute at all). If he goes ghost then - because vikings aren't exactly good on ground - they'd stop producing that, so you could then go colossi to somewhat reduce the damage of EMP (not taking away your energy and rendering your high templars useless because you switched to colossi).
Zealots was to have something in the beginning, when teching for Collosus. And then Collosi and Immortals are very gas heavy, so it was also to use some of my ressources. - Should I have expanded / gotten static defense instead? What to do with excess minerals? - Sentries not an option, unless I de-prioritize the other gas-units. You are right about the High Templars, I haven't used them ever - probably because they require excess skills and focus to use well. But of course, that is a requirement for higher levels. But... What do I do when there are tanks in the back, and lots of MMM in between tanks and I? Immortals can't get close to tanks, Templars I guess can't get close enough to storm or maybe they can? Good idea with the Templar / Collosi switch Anything more to add?
Don't upgraded thermal lances outrange tanks when attacking infantry at the front? If you want to spend your minerals on something, don't spend it useless units like zealots (in this scenario). Buy one or two warp prisms and try going round the infantry and dropping immortals right next to tanks to pick them off. Even if it fails you have mobile psi power, which is good. You can also expand with the minerals but that's a bit more costly. It depends on the map and how easy the expansion is to defend.
Yeah, you're right - they should. So with proper management (withdrawal when MMM move closer to tanks or collosi) it should be possible to harrass that way. Though then came the Vikings, which is where I should have had Stalkers and Templars instead. I think I see the picture now, then the question is if I can manage to move it from theory to practise
Okay, PvT you need to contain him and gain map control. Hit him while he's moving so that he can't seige his tanks - or you're dead. HT are needed, most high level terran players will get ghosts vs toss, which will kill your shields(gg) .... you need to get an obs and use the higher range on feedback to stop the ghosts. Storm the MMM/tanks. and left overs go to archons which do extra dmg vs bio. I have a lot of trouble vs terran too. Also try to keep a constant pressure on him with warpgates or any annoying trick you can think of. ________ silversurfer reviews
You can also try using Phoenix instead of Stalkers against the Vikings. They're also very effective against tanks as you can lift them up and destroy them. They also pick off and harass units very effectively and are great for mineral harass as well.
I'm online with my phone so I didn't have a chance to watch the replay. However, terran can't build all of that off one base, so its safe to assume he expanded. High temps storm I believe only does damage to bio units so they don't do any damage to tanks. And yes coloss are still good when out ranging the infantry in the front of the tanks. Combined with stalkers stand right next to them to hit vikings. Or add pheonix to the mix to counter vikings. Sentries btw are a must for nearly all protoss v terran fights. Guardian shield and force field re too good not to get.