01:11:57 | «TiNK[E]» $safeadd *[E]* 01:11:57 | «BISHBAN@Azeroth» *[E]* => 2 01:12:10 | «TiNK[E]» $tagban *#* 01:12:23 | «TiNK[E]» $tagadd *#* 01:12:23 | «BISHBAN@Azeroth» *#* => -2 01:12:23 | *BISHBAN@Azeroth banned geno1.7Cbeta#2 (TAGBAN)! I dont know if safelist overrules tagbans on FO... but it was needed for time being so heads up yujin and tony.
im not 100% sure but doesnt when u do *[E]* only add those who are in the channel at the time with [E] or was that just on nF
Im my experience, unless the person who coded the bot is a dumbass, then * is a wildcare and will safe all people with [E] in their name.
Well, I'll test it out now. *** Looks like it does, cuase Shadow[E]#2 is on and I didnt get banned :O
ok i was jus saying on nF if u did add *[E]* 2 it would start going down the list of ppl in the channel saying ADDED 2