Reli need help: Pvt: Maraurders

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by notkool, Aug 2, 2010.

Reli need help: Pvt: Maraurders

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by notkool, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. notkool

    notkool Guest

    hi i m a new sc2 player, i have been using protoss try to get better at it, soo far in games i have played. vs terran is rellil hard to coutner.

    i use 4 gate then then i pressure up with zealot with stalker or sentry at their chop point with is wall up, with marines and maraudres.i cant not beat the marauder at .

    when it happen i either just lose or i can reatreat expand try to tech up to mid game, but when i reach mid game i tried to count the sizge tank with Mm with colossus and basic warp gate unit. It just donest work at all

    can any one of can tell me anyway at all to counter marauder ealry game or how to get some edge over terran as a protoss as the game go by??
    thx heaps :wubclub:
  2. Will.cfalcon

    Will.cfalcon New Member

    May 19, 2010
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    Dude one word. Immortals. They will destroy marauders and tanks with ease. If you do it right, you can tech up to get an immortal in time for their first attack.
  3. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    immortals are good, if you have problems implementing a immortal in your build, just cut down a gateway.

    if you don't want to use immortals, just use stalkers and sentries and use the guardian shield. it should be enough to even out the fight.
  4. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Immortals are good against the tanks, and marauders to a degree. The only downside is that they soak up damage, but don't have the numbers to quickly kill the tank/marauder composition that is really giving you trouble.

    The colossus is good IF you get the thermal lance upgrade. This upgrade gives the colossus really long range and allows it to damage all of the marauders from a distance while also picking off any marine support.

    Also, don't count zealots out of the mix, especially if they have charge. Tanks, when sieged up, cannot attack things that are right next to them. So if you time it well you can have your zealots surround the tanks from a flank and take them out. Or you can just have the zealots engage any of their units because the splash damage from the tanks will hurt their own troops while taking out the zealots.

    Also, provided they are fairly weak against air units, Void Rays can do substantial damage to these mixes without putting too much at risk. Plus, considering the immobility of a siege/marauder mix, you can counter much more effectively by taking out buildings and tech structures quickly with the void rays. Also, each tower he makes to slow them down is 100 minerals of damage you have done.

    Finally, if you are up to it, consider the phoenix/void ray mix supported by immortals on the ground. Target his marines first and when they are taken care of the void rays and immortals will easily deal with whatever is left, plus phoenixes can lift units and contribute as well. This way you don't need to worry about a sudden Terran air force taking you out because phoenix/vr beat up on many other air combos.
  5. ZergFerguson

    ZergFerguson New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    When playing as Protoss, it's usually a bad idea to attack a ramp blocked by a Terran player. The natural expansions are a little tougher to defend in SC2 than in BW, so you CAN get away with attacking their natural expansion, but a ramp assault is almost always a failure.

    It sounds like you are doing okay against the MM early on. Stalkers, Sentries, and Zealots are key. Often, I will go for a quick immortal build if I am pretty sure they are going Marauders. 2–3 Immortals thrown into your army mix will give you a huge boost versus the MM. Don't go all out immortal (because marines kill them quickly), but since an immortal kills a marauder in 3 shots, having a few of them will help versus that pesky unit.

    If you are playing on a map with a "back door" blocked by rocks, the immortal build is great since immortals can break the rocks quickly. Instead of rushing the ramp, assemble an anti-MM army, get 2 Immortals, and break down the rocks. Even if he builds a scouting depot by the rocks and sees you coming, those rocks will go down so quickly it won't make a difference. Often that is GG before he gets tanks.

    Once the Terran gets tanks, he has pretty much secured the natural expansion. Any attack you bring wil result in major losses for you. So, if he gets tanks, start thinking about third expansions--you need to get one and keep him from getting one. Here's where you have the advantage since tanks suffer from mobility challenges. securea all the watchtowers that you can, and put some observers around the map. Watch for him to expand or move out. If he moves out, hit him in the open plain, away from his main.

    There is no easy answer for the MM + Tank combo. If you add medivacs or ghosts, it's even harder. Im not a huge fan of the colossus versus terran since both tanks and Marauders take them down pretty quickly. I prefer templars. After you build your robotics, build the thing that gives you zealot charge, then build a templar archives and research psi (research zealot charge, too). Your army should consist of Zealots, Stalkers, Immortals, and High Templars (once I get temps, I back off the sentries). When you attack, use psi on the infantry--especially on the marines. If you can get your immortals close to the tanks before they seige, focus fire on the tanks. If you can't get to them easily, don't try--focus on the marauders instead. Once the marines are toast from psi, your Z + S + I should have no problem dusting off the tanks and marauders.

    As for your macro strategy--out expand him. Give him his main and his natural, but don't let him get a third. If he gets a third, you take a fourth. Focus on keeping him from expanding rather than attacking him where he is already established. Once those tanks are seiged, he's got the advantage. You need to fight him while he's moving.

    Once you have temps, make a robotics bay and a stargate. Throw a few colossi into the mix, and some void rays. Keep him from expanding, and when he runs of out of money it's either GG from him or you go in with the Void Rays.
  6. notkool

    notkool Guest

    thx it is reli usful

    thx it is reli good detail
  7. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    zealots with charge do very well against all the things you mentioned, and although they will go down in large numbers they are cheap, also note that a zealots with a guardian sheild takes 3 damedge from a marine (which is half). if you can just sit at his natural with your force while you expand, make sure to watch for him medivac dropping or coming out a back door. of course you could do the 6 sent forcefeild block on his ramp for all eternity that ones fun