Relevance of Lore

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by savysmith, Apr 13, 2010.

Relevance of Lore

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by savysmith, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. savysmith

    savysmith Guest


    This is my first post here but I've been lurking for a while.

    I am looking forward to playing SC2 when it is released, but I have been able to try out the beta.

    My favourite race has long been zerg but I've been slightly put off by Blizzard's apparent ignorance of lore and common sense in designing a few of the units.

    For example:
    1. How do Infesters convert their energy into gauss-rifle-weilding infested terrans that hatch from eggs?

    2. How do Ultralisks burrow under the ground and leave no trace on the surface?

    3. Why does it look like zerglings with speed upgrades have wings?

    4. I'd prefer to see a limit on the number of queens allowed in play set by the number of hatcheries, and maybe they die if their spawning hatchery is destroyed. You can create an army of queens apparently, which doesn't seem very queen-like.

    5. what happened to the overmind, did Kerrigan kill it?

    6. Why can't units that move while burrowed go up and down cliffs?

    I understand that balancing the game is important, but I get a little annoyed when things don't entirely make sense. Maybe I've ignored some detail, so please let me know if that's the case. I'd rather see a roach that can scale cliffs even if it meant blizzard had to nerf the stats to keep them balanced. It would make more sense in my mind, I suppose.

  2. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    "1. How do Infesters convert their energy into gauss-rifle-weilding infested terrans that hatch from eggs?"

    Energy in StarCraft doesn't make sense. Why do thors expend energy on their stunning attack? Why do Ravens expend energy on making stuff? Why does summoning a MULE require energy?

    The infested terrans were collected previously, apparently still wearing suits, and stored in the infestation pit.

    "2. How do Ultralisks burrow under the ground and leave no trace on the surface?"

    Same with any other unit, especially the roach, which can move and do the same thing. (You can see the head too.)

    "3. Why does it look like zerglings with speed upgrades have wings?"

    Because they have wings. They're like car racing wings, I guess, since zerglings don't actually fly.

    "4. I'd prefer to see a limit on the number of queens allowed in play set by the number of hatcheries, and maybe they die if their spawning hatchery is destroyed. You can create an army of queens apparently, which doesn't seem very queen-like."

    But if you do that, it's pointless. Usually. So you shouldn't see it. Also, we don't really know the lore behind the queens. They've yet to apepar in a novel, for instance, they don't have their own page at Blizzard's website, etc.

    "5. what happened to the overmind, did Kerrigan kill it?"

    Tassadar killed the first one, Zeratul killed the second one... under Kerrigan's manipulations.

    "6. Why can't units that move while burrowed go up and down cliffs?"

    It'd take a long time to dig through that much rock. (And to answer the next question, "Why does terrain come in such convenient tiers?" the answer is "I don't know; a wizard did it.")

    Of course, when they nydus worm was a unit, it could do that.
  3. Mako

    Mako New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Its a video game.... Does it always have to be realistic? hahaha
  4. HuxleyStronghead

    HuxleyStronghead New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    Obviously wings can not only be used for actual flying or even gliding, but also just to accelerate to a higher speed.
  5. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    for number 3, they DO have wings. they're not enough for flying, but turkeys and chickens will still flap their wings a bit to run faster...

    also, why can a nydus worm burrow through SPACE and not leave its body exposed?
  6. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    you should "lurk" a little bit deeper, most of these questions would have been answered if you had done so, there was a thread on zerglings and stuff that talked on the wings subject, I think something touched on ultralisks burrowing and how it should be a cratter that takes more time to fill in then 3 seconds after it unborrows, and the queen has been talked about as well, and especially the roaches and the queen.

    sry if I'm putting you down but this is just an FYI for yea =D