Resistance : Fall of Man is an awesome FPS ( first person shooter ) for the playstation 3 by Insomniac Games which also make the Ratchet and Clank series and Spyro 1, 2 and 3. If You have a playstation 3 or planning/getting one then this game is a MUST get for the playstation 3 as You go through differnt locations in England blasting the Chimera how it all starts as this... When the Russians closed their borders, we feared they were developing a weapon of unparalleled power. The truth was far worse... Without warning, the Chimera attacked from the east, and in just two months Europe fell. And as the Chimera hunted down the remaining survivors, the last resistance fighters rose up from the ruins of Great Britain. " Never underestimate humanity's will to survive " Pros : + Nice story line with twisted beginnings and endings + Nice selection of weapons + Detailed gameplay Cons : - Sometimes bugs - May get a bit repetitive - Sometimes hard to see clearly I give it a personal 9.3 / 10 - The repetitive bits are in chunks but overall fun and exciting! I hope You enjoy this! Thankyou for reading, Coreyb
That's one way to put it. Here's another: Mutants/Aliens/Demons attack Britain in a vague World War 2 scenario with levels that everyone has seen 5000 times either in Medal of Honor or Doom. America responds by becoming a dictatorship so they can make a vaguely villain-ish black ops thing to stalk the main character, and judging by all their corpses and Morris Code they are nice enough to let you hear, they do a fairly poor job of it. There are no innovations, no interesting characters, and no interesting plot twists. Everything it is has been done to death. But hey, it puts the paper weight to work, and that counts for something…I think. Want a new idea? A new environment? Werewolves in space. Feel free to use it. PLEASE do not buy this game. As a matter of fact, don't buy bland games at all. If that means playing or replaying some older games for a long while, fine. But every dollar spent on a bland, over hyped game is another dollar towards a new bland, over hyped game.