Region question...

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by melvis, Aug 5, 2010.

Region question...

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by melvis, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. melvis

    melvis Guest

    I'm to buy the US-version.... but most of my friends play on the LA but I can't stand the Spanish translation. I thought the NA version was lock only with NA players until I read this statement " Just a little update. I have been talking to Blizzard's support, and they told me that LA clients PLAY with NA clients. They are in the same cluster/gateway, called just "The Americas". The difference is if you bought LA key, you can just use LA client (Portuguese and Spanish languages) and if you bought NA key, you can use just NA client (en-us). – Buss Jul 30 at 14:07" (
    can anybody confirm this? thanks 4 u time :D
  2. melvis

    melvis Guest

    there is an easy way to test this, can anybody on NA version try to add me? the email is if I can receive u invitation then we can connect cheers.