Region and Prices for SC2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ScAffar, Jul 27, 2010.

Region and Prices for SC2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ScAffar, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. ScAffar

    ScAffar Guest

    Hi all,

    I am from the middle-east which makes me region neutral region, although Blizzard put me within the European region. The problem is that when I tried to buy a digital copy of StarCraft from Blizzard site I found that it will cost me 60€ which is approximately to $78!!!!

    I know there are taxing issues with the European Union, I guess it is VAT, but I am living outside Europe, so why forcing me to pay for taxes???
    This will leave me with the option to buy it from the US region (by changing my region on Battlenet).

    So does anyone know if I can play a US region of StarCraft on the European servers? Or can I transfer my account to the European region after buying it??
  2. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I could be wrong but this is what I remember from the Q&A with the Blizzard rep at the Midnight Launch.

    He said something like:
    You are locked into the region you buy the game from for SC2. The only exception is Australia. Cause we used to live on the US servers but cause we have a new data centre we can use. But Blizz knows we've made friends on the US servers so we can choose either of the 2.

    That's what I remember he said. If I remembered correctly I dunno. But it sounds right to me.
    I'm just not sure if the region is encoded into the game you buy or if it's just encoded into your ISP. (as in you can buy any version of the game but everyone from your area is on the same server). I'm not sure which it is. But he did talk about the fact you can't hop between server regions at will.
  3. ScAffar

    ScAffar Guest


    thanx dude for the info.

    It seems that I will wait for a couple of days to see what exactly will happen.

    Blizzard, why are you making it difficult for us????
  4. ScAffar

    ScAffar Guest

    Just a question for those who have purchasedit, does SC2 ask you to select a server from their global servers lists?