Map Limitations (StarCraft 1) Below is a listing of the maximum capacity a map could hold of a certain bit: Location limit: 255 (Including Anywhere) String limit: 1024 in StarEdit/XtraEdit (Variable in other editors, see Strings) Unit HP range: -8388608 to 8388607 1/2 Protoss Shield range: 0 to 65535 Mineral/Gas cost range: 0 to 65535 Build time range: 0 to 65535 Armor range: 0 to 255 (+255 with upgrades) Upgrades range: 0 to 255 Resource range for Mineral Fields and Geysers: 0 to 65535 Damage range: 0 to 65535 Sprite limit: 499 Staredit sprite limit: 250 Staredit unit limit: 1650 Starcraft Unit limit: 1700 Starcraft sprite limit: 2500 Starcraft image limit: 5000 Starcraft weapon limit: 100, cutoff of 80 for Valkyrie Number Value (Wait, set deaths, set mineral amount, scores, etc.) range: -2147483648 to 2147483647 Min working map size: 1x6 Max working map size: 256x256
Not really usefull since all these limitations can be bypassed easily. also, Fenix, this isn't random at all.
They can be bypassed but the question is will they be recognized by StarCraft? It is usually a hit or miss and sometimes the items are just compressed or recycled.
Yeah, I said random before I knew there was a whole list of tutorials. It just seemed like he got the idea to post it and did.