Reference: Location Properties [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Jul 27, 2007.

Reference: Location Properties [StarCraft]

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by Imagine., Jul 27, 2007.

  1. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Location Properties (StarCraft 1)

    Locations are the points of activation in many StarCraft maps, but only a few really use the location's properties to make the location much more dynamic. To see the location properties, create a location. This is done by going into the StarCraft campaign editor (or any viable alternative), and at the menu listing up top, click on Layer, then click on Location. You are now on your location layer! Simply drag your mouse pointer across any point on the map and let go. Double click on the newly made blue transparent box and the location's properties window should pop up, with the name of the location in a text-field, as well as six check boxes.

    Let's dissect each one of the check boxes:.

    • Low elevation: All ground units that have a height level equal or below "Low elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.
    • Mid elevation: All ground units that have a height level equal or below "Mid elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.
    • High elevation: All ground units that have a height level equal or below "High elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.
    • Low air: All air units that have a height level equal or below "Low elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.
    • Mid air: All air units that have a height level equal or below "Mid elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.
    • High air: All air units that have a height level equal or below "High elevation" will not be affected by any effects this location may cause.

    If you deselect any one of the boxes, certain units will not be affected by that location depending on the unit's height level and whether it is a ground or an air unit.
  2. RaiseTheFlag

    RaiseTheFlag New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Up until now I can't location the Trigger Function of Starcraft: Brood War.

    Do you know where it is located?
  3. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Open up StarCraft Campaign Editor and go to Scenario menu > Triggers. It should pop open the Trigger Editor in another window.
  4. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Wich units have high height,low height and mid height?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2009
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I do not have a listing of what units meet which level of elevation. But I will assume that units that are burrowed or are in lower terrain (E.G. sunken pit, low platform, etc. etc.) meet the low elevation and... you get the picture. But I will run a few tests to provide an adequate listing for learning's sake.
  6. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The levels are not based on each unit, but on each terrain type:
    Low Ground - Decreased elevation, such as Low Platform.
    Mid Ground - Normal elevation, such as Platform.
    High Ground - Raised elevation, such as High Platform.

    The air levels are also based on the terrain types:
    Low Air - Airspace directly over Decreased elevation.
    Mid Air - Airspace directly over Normal elevation.
    High Air - Airspace directly over High elevation.

    Cliffs count as the higher elevation. For example, the 'cliff' between High Platform and Platform will count as High Air, while the 'cliff' between Platform and Low Platform will count as Mid Air.

    Further testing shows that burrowing does not change the location elevation of the unit.

    Here is the link where you can download the map I created for my testing:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009