Seriously it's getting ridiculous... there's basically nothing to stop reapers to bio in diamond. The 5 seconds in the next patch won't do ****. I'm looking for someone to help me learn terran or protoss, anyone interested? I'll need some good practice before going into ladder play with these. I'll go random after that and go back to zerg once blizzard does something meaningful. It's just lame, I'm above .500 and i lose 80% of my matchups agaisnt terran but win more than 70% of my matchups against zerg or protoss. Balance fail. If blizzard doesnt fix that, there won't be any zerg players in this game. It's not normal that you need to play 100% perfectly to stop a stupid harrassment tactic. If I 6 pool? Will terran die if he doesnt play perfectly? **** no, he can play average and coutner the 6 pool. Then why do zerg players need to play at their very best 100% of the time to stop bull**** tactics?
all terrans do in diamond is reaper then they go mass marines/marauders (bio) Roaches are ok but the range advantage on the reapers makes them so so. It won't stop reapers from causing damage and will still let terran get an economic lead. Once reapers are useless, they switch to mariens/marauders without much of a penalty at all since the barracks are already build. But zerg's roaches are useless against marauders. Basically... you're always a huge step behing army-wise and economically-wise. Anyways, just looking for some players (plat or diamond) to practice terran/protoss so i can then go random on ladders. Thanks,
No, to counter reaper harass, place roaches as tower in the base (i do it with stalkers) im pretty sure zling/hydras > M/M but what do i know im only Gold League (and starting to suspect blizzard being retarded about league placements just like they were retarded about the campaign cuz i beat several plat players, and couple diamond. by "several", i mean ~10)
Leagues take a while to sort themself out, think of them a box full of diffrent sized nuts, eventerly if you shake the box long enough, the big nuts will rise to the top and the small ones to the bottom. But it takes some shaking.
He's talking about the 5 rax reaper build that Morrow used to beat Idra in the IEM finals. The best you can do is get a fast roach warren, and upgrade to lair for roach speed. If you think he's still going mass reapers, just don't make any zerglings; only build drones, roaches, and later once you have the harass under control, hydralisks. Hydralisks will own him in the end, because you know for sure that he is committed to only barracks units.
Im only silver but i normally put 2-3 spines down in like a triangle to stop the 1/2 early reapers then if he continues i go for the roaches/speedlings, the roaches to help protect base eco and the lings to go up behind the enemy to try and do some damage. But as im a silver you probably won't try my tactic
are you scouting? if you see early gas you should expect a reaper rush. I don't get why every zerg player is complaining about mmm, just get blings and burrow them right near the ramp LAND MINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
300 minerals on static defense = way back economically. Also, unless you positions the 3 spines right next to each other, 6 reapers will simply destroy them easily. If they're close to one another... then you let the reapers have a field day on your other buildings from out of range. tzwizkid... stop being retarded. The burrow ability needs a lair to be researched. The big problem is not MMM as much as it is the reaper harass that precedes it. Sure MMM is way too strong for tier 1 units, but it's beatable. Reapers followed by MMM... no way jose, terran has such a huge advantage after his reaper harass it's next to impossible to stop it. If you have anything to add, do it with a replay and your blizzard profile link.
I'm getting owned by reaper transition to marauder if I techup when they decide to push I'm screwed, if I try to push through the front I'm screwed if they have a few marauders to my roaches, and if they're halfway decent they can catch a nydus network easily. Honestly I feel really good when I win games as zerg but losing like 5 times to terran and protoss in a row is gettin old; whether it's bioball or cheapass fast void rays or even colossi. Any good zerg player have any suggestions on how to beat this build?
The 5 seconds will work wonders for the balance of it overall. As far as stopping it now, effective building placement can help you out a bit. Block each entrance to the mineral line with a SC and stick your bigger buildings in the back. That will force him to have to hit larger targets to do any real damage. Hopefully, you scouted well and have roaches ready to go. Setting these roaches up on the opposite (in relation to the mineral line) side of the hatchery allows the roaches to negate their poor mobility by being able to form a concave around the reapers once they force themselves down the side. Since you have spine crawlers at the mineral line enterences and bigger stuff blocking any "bounce back and forth" type of play, your roaches will catch and kill the reapers. If you are having trouble with the reapers finding ways around the back despite your buildings, then place the buildings there anyway to slow them down and have another spine crawler in the middle to hit them while they are stuck moving in those narrow spaces. This way you invested in 3 spine crawlers (that can be relocated later into a better position) and roaches (which are a good staple unit to have access to regardless). You essentially stop the reapers from doing unchecked damage and if they made too many then you can even come out on top economically since they blew a ton of gas. Transition to mutalisks or whatever you like and work from there. I just say mutalisks because they allow for harass, eliminate any more reapers, negate marauders and leave you just having to worry about marines.
Neither helps much. Queens are too weak for their cost, spine crawlers take too much damage from D8 charges (11 reapers can kill a spine crawler in one volley) and zerglings are light units and just fall down if they try to rush at the reapers.
What exactly is the time frame we are talking about here? 11 reapers seems like a significant time investment. I'm looking at 2 Queens (supporting 2 hatcheries) with 1 spine crawler to fend off the initial 2-4 reapers, speedlings to surround and kill later (you never rush reapers with lings, you flank them so they can't effectively run away). edit: I just had a look of that replay posted on the first page, and I think an earlier 2x hatch to speedlings could be made to work. That said, aside from Idra not pooping creep, I think burrow would have done amazing things for him in combating that kind of reaper hit and run, and his build could definitely incorporate it since he techs to hive early enough.
@ esc0bar, There is no penalty for a prepped Reaper rush. They can switch to MM bio easily. If he causes you damage that's your fault. You're a Zerg, very hard to Reaper rush. Use your Queen to push off along with your Zerglings and just defend your Creep. Don't bother with Roaches if you don't want to, just go straight for speedlings into Mutalisk. He should have a very hard time dealing with that one. I know I do. Also, I do have to point out that Z > P > T > Z, so technically you should be struggling the most with Terran. They have an inherent advantage over Zerg. It's a tougher matchup than usual. But it's not out of balance.
I see it quite in reverse. Terran own protoss with their bio mass, zerg have an easier time against that by going blings+speedlings. Protoss utilize 4 gate vs zerg which needs to be defended with almost no error to have a chance.
Alright, I had a terran try to use reapers against me today in a custom 2v2. Please critique the attached replay for viability of using a speedling based build to counter. Yes, I know it is a custom. But the two opponents I drew clearly knew each other, teamed on me, and my partner, while useful, was clearly wanting. Plus I'm not that good myself, so in the hands of a top level zerg player I would imagine this could be executed a lot more effectively.
For the inital reapers speedlings are fine combined with the queen, if they mass, I'd build some roaches for static defense while surrounding with the lings. In early game I think it's more economic to build roaches instead of spine crawlers, you need not pull of drones for defense.