what is the traditional reaper opening build order for terran these days? and what does it typically transition into? also, why reapers and not helions?
i dont quite use reapers so i dunno the exact build order but i would prefer reapers over hellions for their "hit and run" capabilities and high mobility not to mention the high damage to structures in case you run out of harvesters to kill
I prefer the hellion rush over reaper, So as far as the build order for reapers im not quite sure, most people prepare a counter for reapers now adays.
An early reaper rush is harder to pull off in 1.1. Still viable I think, but not as effective. Could be wrong though.
The reaper rush will still be effective... the 5 seconds dont mean much at all :/ Still think zerg needs a boost.
Ultras are RARELY worth getting, same for Brood lords. It's not normal to have 2 tier 3 units used so rarely. Then again i shouldnt complain too much, 4 mutas, 2 ultras and a base rebuilding from scratch are what got me into diamond yesterday. All that because 10 thors killed maybe 10 ultras and 20 mutas before i could finish them off... so ridiculous.
Yeah isn't it. Ultras are never as good as thors, and they cost the same (I think). It really is stupid.