you know that sometimes when you watch toons you hear a line, and think; WTFOMG, the let lil kiddos listen to this (variation in the wording of the sentence possible) find it, and post it here, ill start with one digimon tamers, episode 46: beelzemon: C'mon butts, let's have some fun!
you have no idea how many i have.... btw, the rule is only watchable TV toons right? or in any other sources? anyways pokemon: OMFG! ITS CHARIZARD! lol, jk
Bleach. (cant remember what episode) Ichigo's Dad - "GOOOOOOOOD MMMMMOOOOOOOORRRRNNIIINNNGGGGGGGGGG IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCHHHIIIIGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tried to karate kick ichigo through a window.* how pedo....LOL
Does the fact Mr.popo was black, had an accent, and he was a servant count? lol In them old Tex Avery cartoons (which are banned now I think): ''Wait a cotton pickin' minute'' forget the rest.
Well, there's a lot of things that he says to Ichigo's sisters (His daughters) Also, whenever he sees Rukia and Inoue in Ichigo's company, he says lewd stuff.
^ LOL oh yeah...did u see the first movie?? Ichigo and Senna in ichigo's room. Ichigo's dad - "oh my god!! mother what should i do!! Should i stop them or let nature take its course!!!!!!!!" lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111