But if you use "Blizzard" as a company, then it is single. But anyway, I hope that the Mothership gets changed a little, and also I hope that the Reaver gets into the game again. That would make me happy.
Yeah i hope the Mothership changes a little and i don't know about the Reaver because it does kind of take over the Colossus's role
I wish they didnt take those cool mothership abilitys away like the black hole but hopfully they come back I sure hope they do bring them back and Reavers where really useful to just get 2 and blow up maybe 10 zerglings with 2 scrabs and maybe 8 marines with 2 scarbs. (o and by the way i mean them going to to the weak point)
Keep the Mothership as it is! I like the abilitys, and when they are used. Out of energy and gotta wait for cooldown.
I've heard people already saying that the reapers are firebat substitutes. Maybe you can up the reaper to have flame throwers
Yeah but if you give him flamethrowers it would terminal cancer for workers. They are quite fast rushers now (get 4 of them instantly and go to harass). Give them flames and they will kill workers in 3 hits. 4 of them can kill a lot of workers before the enemy can even react.
Lolz,,., * i believe momma ship is definitely gonna be tweaked now that they suddenly got de throned from being the flagship of toss and primarily on losing as a super unit now that they can be bought on masses * firebats??? nobody cared so much for these guys anyway why bother returning when maybe they can give flame atk to other units IMO the thor/viking assault * now for the slug machines AKA reaver they definitely made a good call handing the axe lol but why throw it to waste when they can somehow make it a zerg nuker unit for a change... imagine the slug bug vomitting toxic burps for blast damage and why not give it a borrow ability.. now that'd be cool but anyway still a long way to go.. so anything may come.. lets just hope the games gonna be as fun as it was and till now.... GO GO GO! ^_^
I would like to see evidence someone at a League ladder match used more than 12+ firebats during a real match.