Re: Favorite build in Diablo 2?

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by l2k, Jun 3, 2007.

Re: Favorite build in Diablo 2?

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by l2k, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. l2k

    l2k New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    <<<My favourite Diablo 2 build>>>

    Ranking Build Name Comment
    1. Hammerdin Easiest to play, most powerful PVM build. Just SPAM the IMBA HAMMER !! :p
    2. Cold Sorc Full Blizzard and cold mastery, with some lightning spell as secondary. Tear apart non-cold immune
    monsters in a matter of second. Hell mode Baal under a minute.
    3. Zealot (paladin) Zeal + charge + fanatism. Not as powerful as the above, but great PVP and vs Boss. Very fun.
    4. Bowazon The least I played, , but very fun to play.
  2. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    kk first of all, If you play pvm, you don't play diablo 2 corectly..

    now time to list some gg builds:

    The one i'm the best with is probably the 200fcr 142fhr pure vita non-es sorc..

    but theres also the 105fcr version of it..

    and the 105fcr 142fhr pure vita es with 70/15's

    on useast I also had:

    max fcr hdin
    gg v/t
    max block 105fcr 86fhr light sorc (great to pwn babas)
    gg leaper with lvl55 bo

    These are my favorites.. but there are so many other good builds.

    I played a bit on d2pk.. and then I gave everything to my friend.. he now plays on d2pk with over 15 fully geared gg chars.. I'm still his coach for some builds.. I was pretty gg with all the small details.

    oh.. If you have any build questions.. I guess I could help u
  3. l2k

    l2k New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    It's been 2 years I quit D2. I never play, so I don't have to venture in a PVP build :p Anyone else play D2 here?
  4. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    D2 is dead... no body should play it now.
  5. l2k

    l2k New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Few of my friends are actually playing right now, on LAN. But yeah, I think D2 on is almost dead.. Everyone is crazy of WOW.
  6. saradisper

    saradisper New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    NECROMANCER , i spent my points for raising skeletons, golems, corpses. and i build up a lot the bone spaer!! it's perfect
  7. reject_666_6

    reject_666_6 New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I play on a private-ish server from Romania. It's always got a lot of players, the game is booming on that server, so it's really fun.

    The Hammerdin, Cold Sorc, Javazon, Bowazon, Kicksin and Light Sorc are the most overused builds I have ever seen. I vowed never to make one when I saw just how many there were. I've only really truly dedicated myself to three builds: a max block Bone Necro, a C/C WW Sin and (my favorite ;D) a Rabies/Fury Wolf. The Sin and Wolf were really not so good PvM, but PvP they were the most fun I ever had out of the game. The Necro was pretty good at PvM, and also very good at PvP; he had no serious contender (I hated that!) so I didn't play him that often, and I took off various pieces of armor sometimes to make it more interesting ;D.
  8. twndomn

    twndomn New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Programmers broke the game long ago.

    It eventually became charm/rune finding repeats. You don't even go for uniques anymore.
  9. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Yeah i still have a friend playing on a private server..

    but.. it should be dead.. it's not fun.. the only people playing it are the addicted players.
  10. Immortalrulez

    Immortalrulez New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    i played d2 for a total of 4 years

    i finally got bored when i got full immortal king and full talrashas for bothe my barb and sorc
    then quit and sold it to my friend
  11. AvatarTM

    AvatarTM New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Quited a year ago, with a hammerdin...don't know if its still there =D
    Yeah the hammerdin was a good char, compared to the first character, my azon who was lvl 85 and could't handle cow was a screwed character lol
  12. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Sorry but I couldn't stop loling..

    you played 4 years and you had full ik and full tal? LOL and you sold it?

    it worths like 1cent..

    I don't wanna make fun of you but i'm surprised that after 4 years you didnt get good gear...
  13. AvatarTM

    AvatarTM New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    talrasha is a good set, to find magics that is
  14. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    ok.. I don't wanna sound like an ass or w/e.. (well.. I'll probably sound like a nerd anyway.. so idc)

    tal rasha sucks ass.

    let me list some good items on a sorc...

    Armageddon Fletch Amulet
    Soj and/or rare rings with 10fcr, life, mana, str, etc.. (other good mods would be dex, resists.. you get the idea)
    Rare circlet with: 2sorcs 20fcr, str, life, mana, resists. etc.. or.. you could use griffon.. or even shako. or a magic XXX circlet of the magnus, where "XXX" is the prefix that gives +3 to ur element (ex: volcanic for +3 all fire skills) and with 2 sockets.. of course!
    weapon: something like these: Hoto, rare orb with stats a bit like the circlet i named, wizzspike if you need the fcr.. (but this one is a bit gay) eschuta or fathom... there are so many good choices.. even a spirit sword can be amazing if used corectly... but please don't use the ****ing tal set..

    if you aren't going max block, your shield MUST BE SPIRIT RUNEWORD IN A MONARCH

    this shield is like 1 000 x better than any other.. it's simply the best item in the game.

    boots: grim spur or the super ultra elite uswest rare dupe: wraith bands.
    gloves: magefist or frostburns (for es sorcs) NOTHING ELSE
    belt: probably arach.. but some build could use a rare belt with fhr, str, life, etc.. OR dungo...
    armor: there are many choices here.. let me tell u a few good ones..

    Btal, Coh, Skin of the vipermagi, enigma or my special secret weapon (arrg I mean ARMOR): Glitched Valor (this one was made for pure vita, non-es fire sorcs)

    use skin of the vipermagi only if you are going for 200fcr..
    Btal and coh are pretty much the same.. but you look like a pimp with ur permed Btal..

    Enigma is for the noobs who can't get str on gear and don't care about resists.. don't use enigma

    did i forget something??

    oh yeah.. the charms..

    good anni, good torch, 8 or 9x grand charm with + 1 to ur element and life and the small charms.. probably 70/15's or 20/5's

    let me tell u a bit about how to build a sorc..


    you either do this:

    str = none
    dex = none
    vita = all
    energy = none

    or this:

    str = none
    dex = none
    vita = maybe 50
    energy = everything else

    i'm excluding the max block one here..

    anyway.. if you put everything in vita you have to choices.. es with a lot of life and average mana (due to 70/15's) or just non-es pure vita.. so with 70/15's you'll get like 3000life and 4000 mana

    with the "everything else in energy" you are aiming for 8000+ mana.. and about 1500 life..
    with frosties and stuff on a 105fcr version.. you could get 10 000 mana..

    now the skills..

    it's easy.. there are some skills you can attack with.. here they are:

    frozen orb

    all you do is max these and their synergies and masteries the best you can..

    and add one in warmth, one in teleport

    if you use energy shield... put 20 in telekinesis (yes, telekinesis) and 1 in es (not more than 1 in es)

    of course there are many changes that could be done in what i said and still get a good build.. but i'm doing it in 5 minutes randomly like this.. so this isn't a guide.. (yeah i use to write guides.. my fire sorc guide was about 15 000 words)
  15. JudasXPriest

    JudasXPriest New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    D2 isnt dead.... far from it. Now i wasnt around playing D2 when it was popular. But its still thriving IMO. theres always a full list of games, all day, every day. But thats not the point of this thread ;D.

    Back ON topic: (I Play Classic D2 by the way)
    My favorite build, personally, would be a Charger Pali. Most people think "Oh, chargers are cheap, because thier attacks are too strong." lol, those are the kids who get raped by chargers every day. Lately I've gotten rather bored of D2 (Ever since the Act 5 hack came out), and the only thing that keeps my interest is my level 12 Charger pali. You wouldnt beleive that a char so easy to make would be so much fun. Pretty much i join full games of people level 20-40 with this level 12. Most people laugh it off, thinking that theyll 1-hit this stupid noob pali who just hostiled them. so they willingly go to act 1, where this pali with a pike is standing out in the blood moor... they walk out, and BAM! with 200-700 dmg charge dmg (on a level 12, thats WAYYY high), they die in a second or two. before they even have time to click on me, thier already dead, and back at the stash naked ;). Usually they go "WTF?!" others go "HACKER!" my favorite one is "NOOB!" lol but after... a year or two? of doing this... it really doesnt get old. Just when u thought youve heard the same excuses for the millionth time, theres always a kid who says something new to you lol. i just enjoy PKing random kids so that they talk crap to me just because they cant kill this little level 12 pali with a level 40 sorceress lol.

    My second favorite build is a HammerDin, but I wont go into a big story about it lol. Lucky You ><
  16. AvatarTM

    AvatarTM New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Dear lord.
    Lol, well, thanks for the lesson, i'll remember to look back at this when i decide to create a soc if i decide to play d2 again. That thing pissed me off when my hardcore died due to lag, oh well, he was a 45 though so not more damage done.

    Modifed, sry bout the the mess, was late at night, so yea.
  17. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    FFS! The next time you post such a long post consisting only of quotations I will report you. Now please modify it.
  18. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Ohh dude don't try this build @ HC because it's mostly PVP..

    sorcs arent the best pvm u know.. especialy fire sorcs.. there are too many fire immunes..

    anyway.. once u make ur char.. tell me.. and I'll help u..

    I don't play d2 anymore.. but I keep helping people with it...
  19. JudasXPriest

    JudasXPriest New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    If you play classic D2, ask me ;)
  20. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    oh god original D2 is just! with my old maphack i went on original d2 bn once and saw lvl 60 barbs/palys walkin around wif gem-socketed weapons? how do damage-reliant characters get by with only normalclass uniques? o_O or am i missing something....

    i didnt have much (since i didnt own a bot lol) but i made do in nm lvl40-60 pvps =D
    45?druid - tornadoes skills. normal stuff you expect. soj + manald heal (i think) + that druid helm (eth lol) and serpent, lidless, spirit sword, some druid ammy thing, HP charms, blahblahblah
    56nec - summoner tank! + clay + decrify. had about 4-5 1+ GCs and the rest HP i think, nearly identical stuff as my druid except +1 nec/charged teleport ammy! LOVED IT! ppl are like "how did you teleport? enigma?" many have fallen under my pathetic bunch of skellies! muwhahahaha ^_^ i felt so proud of what i could achieve for how poor i was lol.

    best build ive ever seen is an asn chaos user! well ok not the best but chaos asns rule!!!! =D

    are there any specific characters/builds which would nearly guarantee victory over chargepally? besides iron maiden, thorns aura, or another chargepally please lol. chargepallys = rigged imo

    and no matter what you have in diablo2, not many people could achieve what one of my good friends had. before the time of botting he worked as an soj salesman for a compsci graduate who learnt the art of duping! earned over $15,000 selling sojs for $4 each in 3 months before pulling out....apparently the hacker earned over $150k! z0mgSBBQwtf =O