Raynor's Revenge

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by ninerman13, Jul 26, 2007.

Raynor's Revenge

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by ninerman13, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Upon learning that Starcraft 2 was coming out, I got back into the campaign editor in the original Starcraft. I created a Brood War campaign entitled "Raynor's Revenge." It is an eight mission campaign dealing with Raynor's Raiders after Kerrigan's rise to power. The missions start really easy, and then get harder and harder. I just uploaded them all into the downloads part of this forum in the UMS Maps section. If anybody would like to try them out, I would really like feedback, as I would like to make this campaign as cool as possible.

    I have tested all of the missions out for bugs, so that shouldn't be an issue. I would specifically like to know how to improve individual missions, or how to make the ending ones harder. I do know that the plot probably has a few holes in it (especially with the Duran part), but that is not what I am worried about.

    Leave your suggestions/ideas/comments in this thread. You can download them here: http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=cat5

    Enjoy playing!!!

    **UPDATE - I have been spending the past couple weeks going through my maps and doing edits. I lengthened the briefing text, so as to actually be readable, as well as changed a few things for a better flow. I did the same for the in-game text as well. I have edited a few pieces of the maps here and there to get them closer to perfect, and I deleted the Value This Area Higher scripts in Mission 8. Raynor's Revenge is now finished! I uploaded the final version as two zip files, part 1 and part 2 (the server would not let me upload all at once). Enjoy!**
  2. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    *Hits self on head*

    Duh. Too late to zip now, sorry for the inconvenience guys.
  3. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    I played the first one too. And the only thing I have to complain about is indeed the briefing text speed. I'm not a slow reader and I had problems with it. Everything else was sweet.

  4. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Noted. I will definitely add a second or two to all my briefing, as they are all probably a bit too fast (I am a very, very fast reader). Once it has been a few weeks and more people have tested the missions out and left comments, I will re-upload the edited campaign for the community's enjoyment. And as a zip file hahaha.
  5. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    Wow, these maps are great. :powerup: The storyline is pretty good too, not a bad alternative ending.
  6. L0ck and L04d

    L0ck and L04d New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    sounds cool ill try it out
    (so all you do it put the thing in the maps section of the programe files?)
  7. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Yes, all you do is put it in the Maps section where all your other custom maps would be. I think though for the automatic linking triggers to work (load the next scenario after completing a mission) you need to save them in the Maps section in a folder entitled 'Raynor's Revenge.'
  8. L0ck and L04d

    L0ck and L04d New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    thanks alot(even tho I figured it out on my own...partialy). And its realy fun! I'm at the first instalation part, stuck and the part right after the teleporter and theres cannon every where and infested terrans.
  9. danhillman693

    danhillman693 Member

    May 23, 2007
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  10. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I'm glad everybody seems to be enjoying my maps! And danhillman693 I will definitely check out your maps too. The Starcraft Campaign Editor is quite possibly my favorite aspect of the game.


    Ok. So my friend and I (he is on this forum too, PhantomFF) have both tried Raynor's Revenge 8 twice, and decided that it is WAY too hard. Now, before I do some serious editing, I need to figure out exactly what to do. Here are things I came up with:

    A) Get rid of 'scripted' attacks.
    B) Get rid of the AI script 'Value This Area Higher' at the player's bases.
    C) Give the computers much less in the way of units to start with.
    D) Give the player more units/resources to start with.
    E) Start the enemy AI after a few minutes.

    Now, I would prefer to do as little as possible, to keep the mission hard, but doable. I need anyone who has been testing my missions to play Mission 8 when they get to it and let me know which of these items I should do. I will take the comments and then figure out how to fix it. Thanks all! **
  11. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Sorry for the double post mods, but I had to in order to A) make this thread appear at the top in maps and replays and B) just because it has been a while since my above post.

    Anyway, I have done some serious editing on Raynor's Revenge 8. I decided to do choices B, D, and a little bit E to make the scenario doable. Now, I am finding that it is still very, very hard and I have not been able to beat it yet. I really need all your guys help. I am going to upload the file in the Downloads section under "Raynor's Revenge 8 Beta Version." I want as many people as possible to test it and try to beat it. I did add a few more units for the player and started the AI late since the last time I tested it (I am getting tired of playing the map, haha) so firstly I need to make sure that it did not become too easy (I doubt it). Secondly, and more importantly, I want to find out if it is hard but doable for other people. In other words, if other people can beat it, I have been unable to due to my own lack of skill. If enough people beat it as it is, I will no longer edit it and my campaign will be finished.

    Please post in this thread ASAP, I would really like your input!!!

    EDIT - To let you guys know what to expect, here is what I have been experiencing while playing the map: Enemy attacks get stronger over time. After about 20-30 minutes of playing, enemy attacks will start becoming strong enough that I cannot deal with them. Also, watch out - do NOT upgrade to a Lair until you are ready to deal with a swarm of Devouring Ones....
  12. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I'm downloading your campaign episodes as I post this message. Also you have given me an idea that I would like implemented here on the forums. I will do my best to help get it through to the higher ups.
  13. danhillman693

    danhillman693 Member

    May 23, 2007
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    I think these are pretty good maps; it's seems as almost single-player maps are getting more and more popular, like mine, yours and ImaGine's. Hey, it would be cool to make these maps into a little game of our own, and call them, "StarCraft: The Other Events". I think that would be awesome. Of course, I would need to shapen up my maps. But your maps are great. Keep it up!
  14. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Okay! I played your latest episode 8 release and my Terran base was destroyed almost immediately. The game started and I was issuing commands to all my workers to mine and then a swarm a hydralisks and zerglings came and ravaged the base, even Jim Raynor could not hold out against them.

    Good idea dan! We could make an SC2Forum.org Map packs for every three months or so.
  15. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I just realized how silly I am. I started the Terran base with a Factory, but forgot that I had an attack triggered BY the Factory. ::) Oops.... fixed that and re-uploaded it as "Raynor's Revenge 8 Beta Version AGAIN REAL ONE!!!" If you wouldn't mind ImaGiNe trying that one... I can't believe I let that trigger slide by unnoticed. Is there any way you can take down the old Beta Version? Also, when I upload the finalized campaign I am going to want to take down the individual maps as well, but I'll ask mods again when Mission 8 is fixed. Thanks again!
  16. L0ck and L04d

    L0ck and L04d New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    I downloaded it a few month ago and the campaing was awsome( just between us I like to treet my units well, I give them housing, free medical treatment and I NEVER send them on suicide missions )and super fun but when I got to mission 6 I just stoped playing for some reason, what happens after you blow up the cerebrate?
  17. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Just before you blow up the Cerebrate (in game you actually do blow it up) it turns into an Overlord (but I renamed it as the Cerebrate hero) and you mind control the Overlord, gaining control of the Zerg Brood.

    EDIT FOR UPDATE - I have been playing Mission 8 (uploaded here as Raynor's Revenge 8 Beta Version AGAIN REAL ONE) for the past hour and a half and I believe I have finally hit where I want it to be. Right now, I have eliminated one of the enemy bases (Brown Zerg, AI Insane) and I am trying to expand. However, I have run out of resources at my main three camps, and enemy attacks are starting to wear down my defenses. But I believe this is good news! This is the farthest I have gotten on any of my Mission 8 versions and I think I have finally reached the oh-my-god-this-is-frickin-hard-but-beatable stage! I will either A) try and keep pushing until I can go offensively or B) reload from an earlier point that I have saved and try to keep my defenses bolstered better. I am almost ready to upload the final version of my campaign - I just need to beat RR8 or have someone else on this forum do it!!!
  18. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    i just started playing them yesterday, and i just now finished lvl 4. Very nice job on these! :powerup:
  19. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    After hours of playing, my stalemate kept turning into a defeat. I was able to defeat the brown (Insane AI) but was spending all my resources defending and eventually ran out. I believe that my map is possible, but only for pros. Haha - so if anybody beats it - you are an official Starcraft master.

    It is again time to nerf Mission 8. Now I made the enemies Medium, Difficult, Difficult, and Insane, instead of three Difficults and an Insane. Also dumbed down triggered attacks. I will do some more testing, and probably upload it soon. If I ever get it to an appropriate difficulty, I will upload the final version of my campaign. Yarg.
  20. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Mods, again sorry for the double post, but it has been a few days since the last post, and I needed to bring this topic to the top of the Maps and Replays board again.

    Raynor's Revenge 8 is very hard. But now beatable! So my campaign is finished.

    Changes include:
    A) Better briefings and in-game text.
    B) Little corrections in triggers.
    C) Raynor's Revenge 8 = possible.
    D) Units here and there.

    I have uploaded the final campaign as two zip files. You can download Part 1 and Part 2. Enjoy, everybody!
    Part 1 - http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item40
    Part 2 - http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item41

    PS - Mods, can you delete all of the old files, as well as the two RR8 beta versions? Thanks a lot!